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Unit 4 Time(Period four)

时间:2015-03-28 09:04来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

教学目标:1 能熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和短语。
2 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学日常交际用语。
3 学会制作纸钟。
4 会说有关时间的一些歌谣。
教学重点:1 能综合运用本单元学过的单词、短语和日常交际用语。
2 make and play.
step1. freetalk and revision:
1. greeting
good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.
nice to meet you. nice to meet you ,too.
how are you?
2. revise the numbers.
①sing a song.<the little indian boys>
②a game . <magic ears.>听音说数字。
③ask and answer.
a:what`s the time? b:it`s …. time to…. a:ok.let`s go.
1. listen and respond.
②check the answer.
it`s seven o`clock. all right. yes/ok. yes,it is. good morning.
2. listen and number.
②check the answer.
4 2 3 5 / 1
3. listen and check.
②check the answer.
√ × √ × √ × √ ×
4.listen and draw.
②check the answer.
a car.
step3.make and play.
1. 电子台钟。
2. 电子挂钟。
step4.say a rhyme.
watch watch nice watch
clock clock smart clock
time time what`s the time
seven seven it`s seven o`clock
go to school go to school
it`s time to go to school.
step4.home work.
revise the words and dialogue of unit4.


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