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3B Unit 3 Family members 第一课时

时间:2015-04-03 09:51来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

unit 3 family members  一 教学内容《牛津小学英语》3b第三单元第一教时  a learn to say, b look and learn二 教学目标1、听得懂、会说单词grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt,a family photo.2、听得懂、会说日常交际用语is this your…? yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn't. who's he/she? he's /she's…3、能正确区别he和she.三 教学重点和难点1、听得懂、会说单词grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt及词组a family photo.2、听得懂、会说日常交际用语is this your…? yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn't. who's he/she? he's /she's…四 课前准备     教学挂图、生字卡片、录音机及磁带、家庭照片五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free talkgood morning, boys and girls. how are you?… good morning, miss chen.fine, thank you.…brevision   1 t show something and ask:what's this /that in/on the…?is this your…?2 教师指着一些学生问:“who's he/she”    ss answer:it's a…yes, it is. /no, it isn't.he's /she's…cpresentation and practice 1 explain the meaning of “family members”2 t show a family photo: look, this is my family photo.  teach: a family photo (注意photo的读音)  t: this is my father.   this is my mother.   this is my father' father. he's my grandfather.  teach: grandfather  同法教grandmother, uncle, aunt 3 t: he's my father/ grandfather/ uncle.she's my mother/ grandmother/ aunt.  teach: he, she 4 let ss show their family photos andintroduce their family members. 5 教师指着个别学生的照片问:is this your father/mother?is this your father/mother?who's he/she?…learn the title “family members”  read after the tread one by one    read after the tread it together   让学生指着同学说:he's …/she's… practice in groups:this is my…he's /she's my… s1:yes, he/she is.s2:no, he/she isn't.he's my uncle.she's my aunt.dlearn to say 教师出示教学挂图look at the pictures and listen to the tape. read after the tape.read together.read and act.六 课后反思本课b部分主要是教授家庭成员的称谓。在单词的操练中,我采用了游戏who’s missing? 请八位学生分别戴上father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, mike和yang ling的头饰站到讲台前,进行小组比赛。然后请一名学生躲起来,其他各组代表猜猜谁不见了。用这样游戏可以加深学生对所学这些称谓的理解和运用。

3b unit 3 family members 第一课时 来自第一范文网。

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