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3B Module 1 Unit 1 练习

时间:2015-04-09 09:46来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,将字母代号填入前面的括号内。10%   (     )  1. a. nose          b. nurse           c. noise   (     )  2. a. can           b. can't           c. aren't   (     )  3. a. make          b. cake            c. coke   (     )  4. a. fly           b. sky             c. my   (     )  5. a. sweet         b. tree            c. three   (     )  6. a. book          b. good            c. look   (     )  7. a. house         b. mouse           c. mouth   (     )  8. a. green         b. grey            c. play   (     )  9. a. cut           b. put             c. shut   (     ) 10. a. here          b. hair            c. there 二、选出你听到的词的反义词,将字母代号填入前面的括号内。6%   (     )  1. a. black         b. red            c. white   (     )  2. a. big           b. small          c. little   (     )  3. a. long          b. short          c. tall   (     )  4. a. hungry        b. sad            c. happy   (     )  5. a. fat           b. big            c. small   (     )  6. a. clean         b. close          c. open三、根据问句,选择正确的答句,将字母代号填入前面的括号内。10%(     )  1. a. i can see a pen.  b. i see a pen.         c. it's a pen.(     )  2. a. it's grey.        b. it's a grey door.    c. i can see grey.(     )  3. a. yes, it's your apple. b. no, it's my apple. c. yes, it's my apple.(     )  4. a. it's a rabbit.    b. yes, they're rabbits. c. they're rabbits. (     )  5. a. i'm danny.        b. he's danny.          c. she's kitty. 四、根据你听到的顺序,给下列句子用数字编号。6%(     )  draw a circle.          (     )  cut the circle. (     )  spin the spinner.       (     )  boys and girls, let's make a spinner. (     )  colour the circle.      (     )  a toothpick. 五、听录音,完成短文。8%        today is danny's birthday. he is       years old today. his family is having a picnic in the      . his      , mary is singing under the      . look! danny is       flying the       with his father. his mother is watching the      . sam is playing the      . how       they are      !六、听对话,判断正误,正确的用“a”表示,错误的用“b”表示,将字母代号填入前面的括号内。10%(     )  1. this is an insect.(     )  2. the flower is pink.(     )  3. i can see four leaves.(     )  4. the roots are short. (     )  5. it's alice's plant.笔试部分 60%一、正确抄写下例句字,注意大小写和标点符号。7%        is   this   your   ruler   eddie   no   it   isn't                                                                   二、按要求写单词。9%i (宾格)       .          spin (名词)        .     look (近义词)        .yellow (同类词)       .   leaf (复数)        .     i (同义词)        .cannot (缩写形式)       . body (复数)       .      circle (同义词)        .三、找出每组中一个不属于同类的词,将字母代号填入括号内。8%(     )  1. a. red         b. orange        c. black         d. blue (     )  2. a. chick       b. hen           c. apple         d. pig (     )  3. a. i           b. you           c. he            d. your (     )  4. a. nose        b. mouth         c. ear           d. hand (     )  5. a. desk        b. leg           c. window        d. door (     )  6. a. mirror      b. pencil        c. bag           d. rubber (     )  7. a. see         b. sky           c. clean         d. come (     )  8. a. library     b. office        c. playground    d. teacher 四、选择题。10%(     )  1. look       the mirror. a. at             b. to              c. in(     )  2. what colour is your hair? it's      . a. a black        b. black           c. black hair(     )  3. she can see       apple. a. an             b. a               c. /(     )  4. my eyes       brown. a. is             b. are             c. am(     )  5. look! peter is       the classroom. a. on             b. in              c. under(     )  6. what colour can you      ? grey. a. look           b. make            c. see (     )  7.       the blackboard, please. a. close          b. open            c. clean(     )  8. this is a girl. she is       alice. a. /              b. an              c. a(     )  9. tim is three years old. he       make a mask. a. can            b. can't           c. is(     )  10. what are they?      . a. they're elephants.        b. an elephant.        c. elephants.五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。6%1. what colour is it? it's _________________ (orange).2. i am a pupil.       (i) rubber is new. 3. is this       (a) aeroplane? 4. can your sister swim? no, she ___________ (can) swim. 5. the bag       (be) big. it's small. 6. i can make paper      ______ (boat).六、按要求改句型。10%1. this is my bicycle. (改为一般疑问句)            this       bicycle? 2. he can see the cat. (划线提问)            can he      ?3. six bees. (划线提问)                  bees? 4. the dogs are big. (改为否定句,意思不变)      the dogs            .5. this pencil is green. (划线提问)                  is this pencil?  七、阅读短文,把单词填写完整,该单词的首字母已给出。5%       hello, i am sam. i am a dog. i am big and very fat. i have a b    . my t     is  short. my e     are long. i have four f    .i like to play with my red b    . 八、看方框里的人物头像,用英语介绍一下。5%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3b   module 1   unit 1听力内容及参考答案一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,将字母代号填入前面的括号内。1. what's your mother? she's a nurse.                  (  b  )2. we can't climb the trees in the park.               (  b  )3. i'm thirsty. i want a coke.                         (  c  )4. who's he? he's my teacher.                          (  c  )5. how many books? three.                              (  c  )6. boys and girls, look at the blackboard.             (  c  )7. the house is big and clean.                         (  a  )8. what colour is the tree? it's green.                (  a  )9. cut the triangle, please.                           (  a  )10. she's linda. her hair is long.                     (  b  )二、选出你听到的词的反义词,将字母代号填入前面的括号内。1. is this a black car? yes, it is.                    (  c  )2. what's this? it's a small rubber.                   (  a  )3. eddie is a boy. he is short.                        (  c  )4. how do you feel? i'm happy.                         (  b  )5. i have a dog. it's a thin dog.                      (  a  )6. close your eyes.                                    (  c  )三、根据问句,选择正确的答案,将字母代号填入前面的括号内。1. what do you see?                                    (  b  )2. what colour is the door?                            (  a  )3. is this your apple?                                 (  c  )4. what are they?                                      (  c  )5. who's he?                                           (  b  )四、根据你听到的顺序,给下列句子用数字编号。1. boys and girls, let's make a spinner. 2. draw a circle. 3. cut the circle. 4. colour the circle. 5. a toothpick. 6. spin the spinner. 五、听录音, 完成短文。ten,  park,  sister,  tree,  kite,  flowers,  ball,  happy, 六、听对话,判断正误,正确的用“a”表示,错误的用“b”表示, 将字母代号填入前面的括号内。a: what can you see?              b: i can see a plant. a: what is it?                    b: it's a flower. a: is it red?                     b: no, it's pink. a: what are they?                 b: they're leaves. a: how many leaves?               b: count them. one, two, three…five leaves. a: are the roots long or short?   b: they're short. it's linda's plant. 1. ( b )    2. ( a )    3. ( b )   4. ( a )    5. ( b )

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