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3B Unit 3 Family members

时间:2015-04-09 09:46来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
1 能听、说单词 father,mother,brother,sister,aunt,uncle,friend.
2 能听、说日常交际用语is this your…?this is your…,i think. yes,he/she is. no,he/she isn’t.
3 能正确区分he和she,并能熟练运用。
4 能掌握单词photo的正确读音。
1 能听、说单词 father,mother,brother,sister,aunt,uncle,friend.
2 能听、说日常交际用语is this your…?this is your…,i think. yes,he/she is. no,he/she isn’t.
1 能听、说单词 father,mother,brother,sister,aunt,uncle,friend.
2 能听、说日常交际用语is this your…?this is your…,i think. yes,he/she is. no,he/she isn’t.
3 能正确区分he和she,并能熟练运用。
4 能掌握单词photo的正确读音。
step 1 warm up
1 greeting
2 free talk
t:what’s this/that in/on….?
step 2  presentation & practice
1 (show a family photo )
t:what’s this on the desk?
s:it’s a photo.
t: yes,it’s my family photo.
  this is my father. (出示卡片,以开火车读、升降调读、造句读等形式带读.同法教授mother,brother,sister,aunt,uncle,friend.并强调aunt不仅仅指阿姨,也指姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母。uncle也指伯父,舅父,姑丈,姨丈。)
t:excuse me,is this your father/mother?
s:yes,he /she is.
(这时学生可能会回答it is,所以要及时纠正和强调he –他/she-她,并跟读,齐读,以加深印象。)
t:and this is your brother,i think.
s;no,he isn’t.(让学生完整回答,并出示i think告知其意。)
t:who is he?
s:he is my friend.
3 practice
is this your…?     this is your …,i think.
yes,he/she is.      no,he/she isn’t.  he/she is ……
4 game---magic ears
选一位学生蒙上眼睛,让他/她通过听声音来猜this is a girl/boy,i think. he/she is….可以用假声来增强趣味性。
step 3  consolidation
1 listen to the tape.
2read and act it.
step 4  homework
1 read the words
2 read picture1,2 after class

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