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3A Unit 2 Nice to meet you

时间:2015-04-01 09:09来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
教学设计   课件下载:课件a(课文)课件b(颜色)课件d(练习) 学科英语年级小学三年级课题名称nice to meet  you

时间2008.6设计者王琳设计者单位师专一附小 一 the objects of teaching

1 can listen, say and use the expressions in daily communication:

  this is …

  good morning.

  good afternoon.

  nice to meet you.

  nice to meet you, too.

2 can know these four persons: miss li, mr green, wang bing, helen.

3 can listen and say the words:

  black  white  red  yellow  blue  green  brown  orange

4 sing a song: hi,nancy!

二 the difficults of  teaching

1sentences: this is…  nice to meet you.  nice to meet you,too.

2words:eight colours

三 teaching aids:

  some pictures: miss li, mr green,wang bing,helen,a clock

  some cards:black  white  red  yellow  blue  green  brown  orange

四 the arrangement of teaching课时安排

the first period : a learn to say

the second period: b look, read and learn

the third period: c look and say

the fourth period: d fun house


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