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3B Unit 3 Family members

时间:2015-03-19 10:29来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
2、三会句子 is he/she your …?yes,he is.no,he isn’t. yes,she is.no,she isn’t.
2、三会句子 is he/she your …?yes,he is.no,he isn’t. yes,she is.no,she isn’t.
教学难点:he与she 的区别。
1、free talk
2、unit3 family members
t:boys and girls,today,we will learn unit3 family members. do you know which family members?
t:you’re right. now look at the blackboard, this is helen’s family members, i will act helen and introduse her family members, please listen carefully.
1、 she’s my…
1)play a game:have a guess
a ) is this a…?yes,it is.no,it isn’t.
b) this is a…,i think.
2)touch and guess:this is …,i think.
2、 is this …?yes,he is.no,he isn’t.
1) 取出三个男孩头饰,who’s missing?引出回答。
2) 师生在游戏中问答操练
3、 is this …?yes,she is.no,she isn’t.方法同上2。
三、 learn to say.
1、 family photo
1) now,i’m helen,this is my family photo.
2) learn to say
3) show the family photo to others.
2、 learn to say picture1&2
1) look at the picture,listen to the tape.(twice)
2) say after the tape.
3) ask and answer.
4) the students point to the picture to ask and answer.
四、 practice
1、 自由练习。
2、 演示练习。
五、 consolidation
1、 自由组合对话。
2、 上台表演。

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