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3A Unit 7教学建议

时间:2015-03-21 10:17来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
本节课的学习内容为八个衣物类单词的发音,是《牛津小学英语》3a unit7 b look and learn部分内容,通过学习,使学生能听懂会说八个衣物类单词a dress,a skirt, a t-shirt, a jacket, a sweater, a coat, a shirt, a blouse;能会用how nice!表达赞美,感叹之意,能用this is…和 that is…介绍物品。
1. sing a song “hello! how are you.”
2. free talk
3. revision
二、presentation and practice
1. t: present the title: unit7 it’s nice.ss: follow the teacher to read the title
2. t: look, this is a new sweater. ss: learn to say “sweater”.
3. make a dialogue.
4.同理学习其他衣服类单词:coat, jacket, shirt, t-shirt, blouse, skirt, dress
5.t: show the pictures of the clothes by cai
ss: look and say, and spell the words.
6. game: what is missing?
7. t: name the each group using the names of the clothes
ss: listen, stand and say the word
8.t: look, this is my new coat.
ss: oh, it’s nice.
ss: pair works: look, this is my new… it’s nice.
t: check some pairs
9. t: (指着一位男生的夹克说)
look, this is xx’s jacket. this is his jacket.
ss: learn to say “his”
ss: pair works: look, this is his …
t: check some pairs
1.say a chant
2.competition: put the letters in the right order
3.listen, find and say:
4.fill in the blanks
5.t: show some pictures of the boys and girls.

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