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Unit 2 Part A Read and write(第五册)

时间:2013-01-13 12:37来源:自学习点击:字体:[ ]
一、 Teaching Aims:
1. Learn to read letters: J, K, L, M, N and words: jeep, jacket, jigsaw puzzle, kite, key, kangaroo, lion, lamp, lock, monkey, man mouse, noodles, nurse, nose
2. Learn to write letters: J, K, L, M, N
3. Learn to spell words: bag, pen, pencil
4. Learn to spell to read new words with j, k, l, m, n
一、 Main Points of teaching: 3 four-skill words and the spelling skill(直拼法的运用)
三、 Different Points of teaching:
1. Read new words : jigsaw puzzle, lion, nurse
2. Spell four-skill word: pencil
四、 Teaching Procedure:
1. Warm up:
(1) Let’s do. (Book 2 Unit 3)
(2) Greeting
2. Presentation:
Step 1: Present letters
(1) T show a character, Ss try to find out letters from it.
T: I can see B, [b][b] B.
S: I can see K, [k][k] K.

(2) When a S find letters J K L M N , T ask him write it on the Bb.
        Step 2: Review the pronunciation.
(3) Ask Ss to part 26 letters to vowels and consonants
(4) Review the pronunciation of A E I [æ] [e] [í]
3. Practice:
Step 1: Practise the spelling skill (直拼法的运用)
(1) Practise the spelling of words with “a”: lad, kab, map, man, Jan, ban
(2) Ask Ss put the cards in order: b-a-g., A S write “bag” on the Bb.
(3) Practise the spelling of words with “e”: leg, jet, kep, net, ten, men
(4) Ask Ss put the cards in order: p-e-n.. A S write “pen” on the Bb.
(5) T draw a pen on the Bb then T change the picture “pen” to a “pencil”. Ss learn to spell “pencil”. ( Attention: letter “i” no pronunciation.)
(6) Practise the spelling of words with “i”: lip, jig, kit, lit, mit, min
Step 2: Let’s do. (Book 2 Unit 3)
Step 3: Read words in P18: jeep, jacket, jigsaw puzzle, kite, key, kangaroo, lion, lamp, lock, monkey, man mouse, noodles, nurse, nose  ( Explain new words: jigsaw puzzle, nurse )
4. Consolidation: Listen to the tape and imitate in P18.
5. Assignment: Put cards in orders to make new words and try to read these words which they making

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