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南师附小最新牛津小学5B Unit4表格教案

时间:2015-04-02 09:50来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
(19) unit 4 an english friend    (第一教时) apr.2一 教学内容   b look, read and learn; c look and say; d work in pairs二 教学目标1 四会单词及词组:usually, fast, high, carefully,beautifully, loudly,quietly, speak loudly, run fast, dance beautifully, jump high, walk carefully, sit quietly2 四会句型:does …? yes, … does. no, … doesn’t.  what does … usually do…? he/ she usually ….三 教学重点和难点1 四会及三会单词及词组的掌握。2 能熟练运用本课所学的词组及句型。四 课前准备教具准备:图片,画图,录音机和磁带五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talk1 do you like …?yes, i do. / no, i don’t.brevision1 play a game: listen and actwave your arms, shake your bodies,stand up, sit down, touch your hair, open your mouth, close your eyes,show me your hands,touch your foot2 指导学生边跟读边做出相应的动作。    一个学生说,其余学生做出相应的动作。c presentationand practise1 (接着前面的游戏):run fast, jump high, sit quietly, walk quietly, dance beautifully, speak loudly2 who can run fast? teach: run fastdoes he/she run fast? 3 who can jump high?   teach: jump high 4 同法教授:speak loudly, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly学生做出相应的动作。  i can run fast.(做动作)跟读,个别读yes,he/she does. no, he/she doesn’t.i can jump high.(边做动作并比赛)其余同学: he/she jumps high.跟读,个别读 ,边读边做动作。跟读,个别读 ,边读边做动作。 dlook, read and learn1 放录音2 领读3 指导跟读跟读集体朗读两遍elook and say1 (出图片):what’s mike doing?does he jump high?2 指导学生看图3 指导指导he’s jumping. yes, he does.同桌操练进行说话练习作扩充练习fwork in pairs1 指导,teach :usually2 指导同桌操练两人一组练说,然后将句子写在书上六 板书设计speak loudly      run fast      does …?dance beautifully  jump high    yes, … does./ no, … doesn’t.walk carefully    sit quietly     what does … usually do…?七 作业设计1朗读并抄写四会单词和词组。2 运用所学的词组和句型自由交谈。八 课后反思教授这些词组时,我采用listen and act游戏来进行巩固,如我说jump high,学生跳起,尽量跳得很高。在学习句型时,我利用图片来引出,如what’s mike doing? he’s jumping. does he jump high? yes, he does.在学生仔细看图后,指导他们用does(name)…? yes, …does. / no, …doesn’t.等句型进行说话练习。  (20) unit 4  an english friend   (第二教时) apr.3一 教学内容   a read and say二 教学目标1 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2 四会单词:an e-mail, english, busy, a town, age, usually, well3 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组:i’m busy. we’re the same age.4 四会句型:does he/she …? yes, he/she does. no, he/she doesn’t. what does he/she usually do…? he/she usually ….三 教学重点和难点能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。四 课前准备教具准备:教学挂图,录音机,磁带,单词卡片五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkhello,…. nice to see you.how are you?how old are you?nice to see you.fine./not so good….i’m eleven.brevision1 play a game: listen and actspeak loudly, run fast, jump fast,dance beautifully, walk carefully,sit quietly, walk fast, …2 does he/she speak loudly/…? 3 指导4 what do you usually do on sundays?  what does he/she usually do on sundays?5 指导 学生边跟读边做动作。 yes, he/she does.no, he/she doesn’t.自由模仿练说i usually …. he/she usually…. 模仿练说cpresentation and practise1(出示教学挂图)wang bing and gao shao are in the computer room.look, is wang bing surfing the internet? no, he is busy. he’s writing an e-mail to his english friend,tom.teach: surf , internet, an e-mailbusy, surf  the internet2 where does his friend live?  no,he lives in a small town near london.teach: london , town      跟读,个别读,集体朗读he lives in london.  跟读,个别读,集体朗读dread and say1放录音2 根据录音回答问题:what is wang bing doing?  where does tom live? what subjects does tom study at school? does tom study chinese?what does tom usually do on sundays?does tom play well? 3 放录音4 示范读5 巡视指导6 指导听录音 he is writing an e-mail to his english friend.he lives in a small town near london.he studies english, maths, science and art.no, he doesn’t.he usually plays football.yes, he does.he swims well,too.跟读两遍跟读自由读表演六 板书设计what is wang bing doing?                     e-mailwhere does tom live?                         busyhow old is tom?                             surfwhat subjects does tom study at school?          londondoes tom study chinese?                      townwhat does tom usually do on sundays?           agedoes tom play well?七 作业设计1 朗读并表演对话  2 根据所学的对话内容自编或改编小对话。八 课后反思本段对话发生于电脑室。对话中出现了主语为第三人称单数的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其答语。我通过出示幻灯片,引出词语an e-mail, surf the internet,busy,london.同时让学生听录音,了解整段对话的内容,并通过问答的形式进一步熟悉课文内容。指导学生进行多种形式的朗读,达到比较熟练的程度。 (21) unit 4an english friend   (第三教时) apr.4一 教学内容   e look and read ; f listen and act二 教学目标1 进一步掌握好本单元有关副词的词组。2 进一步掌握好本单元a部分的课文内容及其重点句型。3 进一步掌握好句型:does …? yes,…does. no, … doesn’t.                  what does … usually do …? he/she usually….三 教学重点和难点1 进一步掌握好本单元有关副词的词组。2 进一步掌握好本单元a部分的课文内容及其重点句型。3 进一步掌握好句型:does …? yes,…does. no, … doesn’t.                  what does … usually do …? he/she usually…四 课前准备教具准备:图片,教学挂图,录音机,磁带五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkdo you like …?does she/he like…? what do you usually do on sundays?what does he/she usually do on sundays?yes, i do. no, i don’t.yes,he/she does.no,he/she doesn’t.i usually … he/she usually ….brevision1 play a game: listen and act 发令2 指导 3 指导4 指导边跟读边做相应的动作齐读课文、分角色朗读表演学生做扩展表演elook and read1 巡视 2 领读3 指导学生自己朗读e部分内容。跟读两遍齐读flisten and act1 讲解图意并指导做游戏六 板书设计does …?                  what does … usually do …?yes, … does./no, … doesn’t.   he/she usually ….七 作业设计1 朗读并抄写四会单词、词汇和句型。2 用句型what does … usually do …?进行笔头交流,调查同桌或其他同学在平时干些什么事情。八 课后反思e部分旨在通过看看读读的形式帮助学生复习巩固主语为第三人称单数时动词的用法。我通过让学生看图,用第一人称叙述图上内容,然后再用第三人称转述图上的内容,并且让他们说出两句话的不同之处,以此区分。 (22) unit 4an english friend   (第四教时) apr.5一 教学内容   g listen and repeat; h say a rhyme二 教学目标1 能听读、辨认元音字母u在单词中的读音。2 会诵读歌谣: a letter for me三 教学重点和难点能听读、辨认元音字母u在单词中的读音。四 课前准备教具准备:单词卡片,图片,录音机和磁带。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkhello.who can jump high?does he/she jump high? what do you usually do …?what does he/she usually do …?hello.i can jump high.yes,he/she does.no,he/she doesn’t.i usually ….he/she usually….brevision1 巡视指导2巡视指导3巡视指导 4巡视指导齐读a部分课文背诵a部分内容齐读b部分词组并背诵。齐读e部分内容clisten and repeat1 出示单词卡片bus, jump, puppet, run2巡视指导3 出示句子:the puppet jumps and runs around on the bus.4 领读5 指导齐读单词并找出字母u在单词中的发音。举例其它的单词自己轻声朗读 跟读齐读dsay a rhyme1 放录音2 放录音3 领读4 指导5 评价听录音跟读跟读齐读比赛读六 板书设计bus  jump  puppet  run  ……the puppet jumps and runs in the bus.七 作业设计1 完成练习册本单元的练习。2 朗读歌谣给父母听。八 课后反思教学f部分时,让学生听教学光盘里四个单词的发音,让学生边听边体会,找出共同因素,再听录音跟读,随后让学生说出其他含有字母u并发相同音的单词,让学生读读练练。为学生做单词辨音题打好基础。 (23)  unit 4 an english friend    (第五教时) apr.9一 教学内容1 默写本单元的单词、词组。2 默写本单元的课文。3 讲解练习册上本单元的听力及练习。 (24) unit 4 an english friend    (第六教时)  apr.10一 教学内容1 进行本单元的单元测试(每课练拓展练习册上)

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