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Unit 8 A camping trip Period 3

时间:2015-04-17 08:10来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
teaching aims:
1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a towel, a hill, show, children.
2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型i have…we have… what do you have? you have…and i/we have…what do they have? they have… what does he/she have? he/ she has… we have… and they have…
3. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型
important and difficult points:
    句型:i have…we have… what do you have? you have…and i/we have…what do they have? they have… what does he/she have? he/ she has… we have… and they have…
teaching aids:
    pictures, the tape and the tape recorder.
teaching steps:
step 1: greetings
t: hello, boys and girls.
s: hello, miss…
t: how are you, today?
s: fine, thank you.
step 2: revision
1.listen and spell the words.
2.read part c,d after teacher.
3.translate some sentences.
a. 我有一个望远镜。b. 我们有一些毯子。
c. 你有一只风筝。  d. 你们有两个炉子。
e. 刘涛有一个锅。   f. 南希有一个面具。
g. 他们有一些花。   h. 你/你们有什么?
i. 他/她/他们有什么?     j. 我们有什么?
2.fill in the blanks.
c. you _____ some flowers and i ______ a vase.
d.she ______ a walkman and he _____ a telescope.
e. we _____ a mask and they _____a pumpkin lantern.
f. ______  _______ some water in the bottle.
g._______  ______ some flowers in the vase.
step 3: presentation and practice
part a  page 60.
  explain the key words.
  a camping trip
  at a camping site
  a big tent
  near the hill
  listen and answer the question.
what does david have?
where is nancy?
  listen and repeat.
  read and translate the sentences. ( key sentence: show… to …)
  read together.
  perform the dialogues.
step 4: homework
1.listen and repeat part a 15 minutes.
2.copy the phrases 3 times. (除上面的加上:show their things to each other, near her tent.)
teaching notes:
unit 8 a camping trip period 3 来自第一范文网。

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