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Unit 4 An English friend 第四课时

时间:2015-04-14 08:59来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
教学内容:part f g h
2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型及日常交际用语;
3.能进一步掌握句型does…? yes,…does./no,…doesn´t.并能用what does …usually do…?询问他人日常生活规律
step 1 free talk
on duty
t: do you usually …? what do you usually do …? what does … usually do …?
step two
a. play a game: “listen and act”(part f)
t-s s-s
b. listen and repeat.
1. talk about the picture
2. read the words
3. try to read the sentence freely.
4. what does “u” say in the words?
   u says /  /
5. find other words which belong to this kind.
6. try to read:
7.try to spell:
8. try to compare:
c. say a rhyme
step 2 presentation
1. talk about the picture
what’s the boy doing ?
what’s near him?
where is the letter from?
what does the letter say?
2. listen and repeat
3. read in pairs.
step 3 practice
wb listening
step 4 assign homework
1. finish wb
2. dictate the words and sentences in this unit.
unit 4 an english friend 第四课时 来自第一范文网。

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