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5b unit 7 A busy day市公开课教案

时间:2015-04-14 08:58来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
5b unit7 教学方案(第一课时)五、教学内容:单元parta六、教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组night, half, past, ready, take, really, yet, brush, tooth(teeth), with, quarter, on duty, quick2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语are you ready for breakfast? let’s hurry. i’m on duty today. be quick. i’m coming.3. 初步了解掌握时间的英式表达法:past/to4. 初步了解掌握句型:what time is it? it’s … it’s time for…七、重点难点:时间的英式表达法第二部分  教学过程第一步:warming up(8’’)1.t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you!today i am very glad to be your english teacher.i think we are going to have a good time.do you want to learn english with me?2.t: well,but first ,i want to introduce myswlf to you. look,this is a building of our school.it’s a beautiful school in luhe. it’s far away from here. it takes me 2 hours to come here.so this morning i was very busy. 3.in fact,every morning,i am very busy ,too. beacause i need to do a lot of things.look at the pictures,every morning i need to  (ppt:get up,brush my teeth,have breakfast,go to work)4.t:now boys and girls.please guess:what time do i get up? yes,i get up at five  thirty.i also can say i get up at half past.teach:half past five(read one by one)what time do i brush my teeth?yes,i brush my teeth at five forty-five.we can say i brush my teeth at a quarter to six.teach:a quarter to six.   quarter(正反面 five forty-five    a quarter to six)what time do i have breakfast?yes,i have breakfast at six fifteen. (a quarter past six)what time do i go to work?yes,i go to work at seven o’clock.t:every morning,i need to get up at half past five,brush my teeth at a quarter to six,have breakfast at a quarter past six,and go to work at seven.but today,i need to come here to learn english with you,i think i was really busy this morning.(teach:really) there is a boy,he is really busy ,too.he has a busy day.(出示课题)。today,let’s share this english story:a busy day. read after me:a busy day.第二步:presentation1. t: now please listen to the tape,then answer:2’’who has a busy day?david.read a together.2. t: we know david is very busy on thursday.he does a lot of things on thursday. what things does he do on thursday?and what time do these things.please read the dialogue quickly,and choose the answer.listen and choose3’’dotime get up go to school on duty    at nine o’clock3.work in groups: 4’’根据表格,小组内说一说david 的这一天是如何度过的,可以用下面的句型:           it is thursday,david has a busy day.he gets up at …and goes to school at…he cleans the library at…and …at a quarter past four.at night,he…at nine o’clock.t:can you say sth about david’s busy day.you can say it according to this.i am going to give you 4 minutes.4.t:david has so many things to do.is there any time for breakfast?and how about his lunch?this time,let’s read the dialogue slowly,try to answer these queati.first please read these questi.8’’q1.at ten to seven,is he ready for breakfast? (be ready for, not yet)q2. what does he take with him for breakfast?q3. at a quarter to twelve,what do david and mike need to do?q4. does he want to watch tv at nine o’clock? can he?t:well,boys and girls,let’s check the answers.6. t: good! now let’s listen and repeat. are you ready? let’s begin.7.read together.第三步:practice and codition1.t: now, david is wrting his diary,please help him to complete his diary.you can disccuss with your partner.    i have a busy day today. i get up at half past six and go to school at ten to seven. there’s no time for breakfast. i take some bread with me. mike and i are on duty today.at a quarter to twelve. we need to clean the library. we watch a football game at a quarter past four. now, i am  doing his homework. i am really busy today.(write down the answers)t: now, let’s check the answers. step 4 summaryt:today,we know david has a busy day,and he’s very busy and tired.every day,i am very busy,too.i would like i can have  a dream day on day.at that day,i can do everything that i want to do.i can get up at nine o’clock,i can play computer games at half past nine.i can play basketball at a quarter past twelve…do you want to have a dream day.this time ,i am going to give you a chance to show your dream day.of course,you can use these words.please work in your groups.let’s begin.my dream dayi would like i can have a dream day.on that day,i can…at…watch tv,go shopping,take photos,,fly kites,play computer games,have kfc,read harryporter,…
5b unit 7 a busy day市公开课教案 来自第一范文网。

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