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Unit 4 An English friend 第三课时

时间:2015-04-12 09:25来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
教学内容:part d e f
2.进一步掌握句型“what does…usually do…?” “he/she usually…”并能用该句型询问他人日常生活规律
3.通过本课学习能灵活区别运用do you …? yes, i do. no, i don’t. does …? yes, …does. no, … doesn’t.
4. 能熟练掌握动词第三人称单数形式。
step 1 free talk
on duty
play a game:” listen and do”
spelling time: phrases in part b
step 2 presentation
a. t: i usually read english books and watch tv on sundays.
my brother usually does his homework…
my parents usually…
how about you? what do you usually on sundays?
tell the friends around you.
then, the teacher ask:
what does … usually do on sundays?
he/she usually …
let the students ask freely.
b. work in pairs.
c. do an interview   
on sundays   
on saturdays   
in the evening   
after school   
interview report
d. look and read
a. t: what does jim usually do from monday to friday?
b. listen and talk
c. listen and repeat. pair reading.
d. 说出下列动词词组的第三人称单数形式。
 1. run fast      take photos
   dance beautifully  play the guitar
 2. go to school  watch tv
 3. have lunch    do her homework
step 3 pratice
talk about your self to your deskmate.
what time do you usually go to school?
how many lessons do you have in the morning?
what subject do you like?
what subject you don’t like?
hi, i’m a girl. i go to school at seven fifteen.
i have lunch at school. i like english, it’s interesting. i can speak english loudly. i don’t like maths, i can’t do maths exercise well.
f. say something about your deskmate.
step 4 assign homework
1. make dialogues according to the pictures in part d.
2. introduce some of your friends.
what does … usually do …?
he/she usually …
unit 4 an english friend 第三课时 来自第一范文网。

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