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5A Unit 8练习卷

时间:2015-04-17 08:10来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一、单词辨音(找出读音相同的单词)。(     ) 1. house   a.course  b. how   c. our   d. group(     ) 2. ball    a. party   b. are    c. can   d. quarter(     ) 3. kite    a. fire     b. sit    c. little  d. girl(     ) 4. teacher  a. head   b. bread  c. weekend  d. learn(     ) 5. ready   a. really   b. sweater  c. read    d. ice-cream      (     ) 6. day    a. monday  b.friday   c.many    d. say(     ) 7.thank   a. pencil    b. english  c. nine    d.american(     ) 8. son    a. come     b. one     c. clock   d. colour 二、翻译词组1.度过周末                         2、看卡通                          3、捕捉昆虫                         4、观察蚂蚁                        5、我们好朋友                       6、去钓鱼                          7. go swimming                       8. carry big things                     9. sleep in the tree                     10. glow at night                       三、选择(     )1.cicadas like singing             hot days.a. at         b. in        c. on         d. for(     )2.li qiang likes insects very much. he often           ants.            a. catch       b. sees       c. catching    d. watches(     )3. crickets like           .            a. to fighting     b. fight       c. to fight   d. fightings(     )4. which is not an insects?            .            a. an ant        b. a dragonfly   c. a bird   d. a butterfly(     )5. yang ling usually           kites in the park          the weekendsa. flys,at      b. flys,on         c. flies, in  d. flies, at(     ) 6. how do you spend your holiday?         i often watch tv.              i play basketball with xiao ming.         a. some time   b. some times     c. sometimes  d. sometime 四、选择恰当的词并用适当的形式填空。learn, is, talk, play, surf,music,like,go,fromit is saturday. school           over.the students are               about their weekends. liu tao likes to            the internet. it’s very interesting. he can             a lot              it. sometimes he           fishing .sometimes he             football .mike often listens to             or goes to the              . nancy            watching tv at home .五、改错(     )          1. how do he spend his weekend?a   b    c      d(     )           2.she is at home .she is clean the bedroom.                         a   b          c      d(     )           3. we can learn a lot on the internet.                              a   b  c      d(     )           4. li xin often catch insects with his brother.                             a   b    c    d(     )           5. sometime i spend my weekends with my grandparents.                         a       b        c      d 六、根据所给情景回答:想知道别人怎么样度过周末,你会说:                                          想看电视,你可以说:                                                       告诉别人你每周日都要上网。                                                 告诉别人自己喜欢捉虫子。                                                    想知道海伦怎么过周末的。                                                      七、阅读理解betty and kittybetty and kitty are twins. they’re 12 years old. they look the same. but they have different hobbies. betty likes collecting stamps. she has many beautiful stamps. they’re from different cities and countries. but kitty likes growing flowers. the flowers are all very beautiful. betty and kitty both like reading books. betty likes reading storybooks. but kitty likes reading science books. on sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. they can play with their friends there. sometimes their parents go there, too. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“t”,错误的写“f” (    ) 1. betty is kitty’s sister. (    ) 2. betty likes growing flowers. (    ) 3. kitty likes reading storybooks. (    ) 4. they’re twelve years old. (    ) 5. they usually take a bus to the park on saturday.
5a unit 8练习卷 来自第一范文网。

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