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时间:2015-04-13 09:18来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一、 词汇:
四会:time,left, right,touch, an arm, a hand, a leg, a foot(复数feet)
follow,order,line,exercise,up and down,lie,lift up,
touch,with,everybody,a neck,a shoulder,a finger,a knee,a toe
1.have a pe lesson上体育课
2.stand in a line站成一排
3.(jump) up and down上下跳
4.put your hands on your head把你的手放在你的头上
5.touch it with your right hand用你的右手摸它
6.do it ten times做十次
7.turn left向左转
8.turn right向右转
9.turn left and right 左右转
10.sit on the womans knee坐在这个妇女的膝盖上
11.put the plate on the finger把盘子放在手指上
12.touch the flowers with her mouth用她的嘴碰花
13.give orders发出命令
14.try to follow the orders试着按命令做
15.put your knees together把你的膝盖并拢
16.lie on one's back 仰躺
17.lift up抬起
18.stand on the mans shoulders站在这个男人的肩
19.do some exercise做练习,锻炼
20 listen carefully 仔细听
21.bend one’s knees 屈膝
22.in the sports hall 在体育活动室
1.touch your toes with your fingers three times用你的手指摸脚趾三次
2.put your feet together.把你的脚并拢.
3.listen carefully听仔细。
4.----can you put this pineapple on your head? ----look!
语音:/ ei / waiter waitress day play way stay (当心sunday等)
the waiter and the waitress play table tennis every day.
牛津小学英语5b知识点整理--unit6 来自第一范文网。
