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09年牛津小学5B Unit6单元复习笔记

时间:2015-04-08 11:38来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
at a pe lesson在一节体育课上 
give orders 发命令
try to…试着(做某事)
follow the orders跟随命令
stand in a line站成一排
do some exercise做些锻炼
put your feet together双脚并拢
put your knees together双膝并拢
jump up and down上下跳
listen carefully仔细地听
turn left 向左转  
turn right向右转
turn left and right 左右转
put …on…把…放在…上
touch… with…用…触摸…
do this ten times这样做十次
lie on one’s back仰躺
lie on his back(他)仰躺
lift up your left leg提起你的左腿
lift up your arms抬起你的双臂
stand up起立
feel tired感觉累的
touch the flowers with her mouth
move your legs to the left
move them to the right把它们移向右边
move the table here把桌子移到这儿
put the plate on his finger
stand on the man’s shoulders
sit on the woman’s knee
want to be healthy想要健康
do some exercise with me和我做些锻炼
1.  put your hands on your head. all right.把你的双手放在你的头上。好的。
2.  put this rubber on your nose. ok.把这橡皮放在你的鼻子上。好的。
3.can you put this big grape on your mouth ? yes , i can .
4. touch your left leg with your right hand.ok.用你的右手摸你的左腿。好的。
5. touch your right shoulder with your left hand.用你的左手摸你的右肩。
6.touch your toes with your fingers three times .用你的手指触摸你的脚趾三次。
7. turn left and right seven times . 左右转体七次。
8.lie on your back and lift up your legs eight times .仰躺,抬起你的双腿八次。
9.the boy has two small eyes and a big mouth .这个男孩有双大眼睛和一张大嘴
10.it has two heads , two necks , four arms , eight fingers and six legs .

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