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《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 3第二课时

时间:2015-03-29 09:30来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

unit 3   at a music lesson   第二课时 新授课


1、认知:(1)能听说读写词汇a lesson, learn。

         (2)能听说读词汇music, have, first, start。

         (3)能听说读日常交际用语ok. let’s start. listen to the…, please. now, follow me, please. yes. / ok. /all right. let’s sing it together.

         (4)会唱歌曲we can sing and dance









step 1: preparation
1. free talk:

i can dance. what can you do? 师生 、生生、四人小组
2. 拼单词:sing/ dance/ make/ play/ ride/ put
3. can you sing? yes, i can./no, i can't.
t: hello, boys and girls. can you sing the song: perhaps
s: yes, we can./ no, we can't.拼we
step 2: presentation
t: i'm your english teacher. but in this class, i want

to be your music teacher. let's go to the music room

and have a music lesson.
1. 唱this is the way 来到music room.
学习lesson /an english lesson/a computer lesson/

an art lesson
t: shall we sing the song "in the classroom" now.
s: yes. 师伴奏齐唱
2. 学习相关用语出示相关卡片
(1) t: shall we learn the song we can sing and dance
s: yes.(点头)
学learn the song learn to say请学生当老师说

(2) 师指录音机示意 listen to the song ,please.
s: ok出示句子、读 (听一遍歌曲)



(3) 师领唱说 follow me, please.学说follow me
(4) can you sing it, now? yes, we can. / no, we can't.
(5) let's sing it together. 齐唱

3. 出示挂图:
(1) 听背景介绍:what are they doing? /where

are they?/what's the time ,now?
(2) t: can the students sing the song "we can sing

and dance"?
(3) 听音,整体感知第一段;
(4) 再听回答问题what can the students sing? /what

can ben do?;

角色说practise in four;


作    业

1. listen to the tape and repeat part a b three times.

2. copy the new words and sentences.

3. recite part a.


unit 3  at a music lesson

can you sing the song…?

what can you sing?

shall we learn the song…?

listen to the song, please.

now, follow me, please.

yes. / ok. /all right. let’s sing it together.

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