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unit3 My birthday知识点

时间:2015-04-01 09:07来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

when is your birthday?
it’s is in may.
my birthday is in june. uncle bill’s birthday is in june, too.
is her birthday in june? yes.
what’s the date?几月几日?
june 9th .六月九日
january (jan.) 一月february (feb.) 二月march (mar.)三月
april 四月may五月 june六月 july七月 august(aug.)八月 september(sept.)九月 october(oct.)十月 november( nov.) 十一月december(dec.) 十二月birthday生日

 读一读序数词1st ,2nd ,3rd ,4th ,5th ,8th ,9th ,12th ,20th (注意1右上角为st,2右上角为nd,3右上角为rd,从第四开始,右上角都写th)
 birthday chart生日表
in december在12月份。月份前加介词in
december 25th 12月25日。具体日期前加介词on或不加。
none 没有
cousin alice艾丽斯表姐(妹)
i am sending grandma an e-card.
does she have a computer?她有一台电脑吗?
no, she doesn’t.不,她没有
then she won’t be able to see the card. 那么她就看不到这张卡片了。
won’t=will not 将不   be able to 能够
everyone likes to get birthday cards.每个人都想得到生日卡片。
1.when is grandma’s birthday?
it’s in may.或者in may.
2.whose birthday is  in june?
grandpa’s, john’s and uncle bill’s.
1.is grandma’s birthday in june?
yes, it is.
2.what’s the date?
june 9th .
my birthday is dec .4th .my brother birthday is jan. 20th .my grandma’s  birthday is sept.5th .my grandpa’s birthday is may 19th  .my dad ’s birthday is sept. 18th  my mom’s birthday is feb. 3rd . this is the birthday of my family! what about your family’s birthday chart? can you tell me, please?
读一读序数词1st ,2nd ,3rd ,4th ,5th ,8th ,9th ,12th ,20th (注意1右上角为st,2右上角为nd,3右上角为rd,从第四开始,右上角都写th)

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