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Unit3 Hobbies 第一课时

时间:2015-03-27 09:56来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
teaching aims:
1能听懂、会说、会读单词take photos,go shopping,collect stamps,grow flowers,make model ships,make clothes.要求读音准确清晰。
2能听懂、会说、会写句型do you have any hobbies?do you like…?yes,i do.no,i don’t.he/she likes…he/she doesn’t…要求能在实际生活中灵活运用。
teaching process:
step1.free talk and review
t:good morning,boys and girls.how are you?
ss:fine,thank you.and you?
t:i’m fine,too.what day is it today?
ss:it’s friday.
t:what day is it tomorrow?
ss:it’s saturday.
t:i like going shopping on saturday.
“go shopping”   “going shopping”
t:do you like going shopping?
s1:yes,i do. i like going shopping,too.
t:oh,good.we have the same hobby.
t:look,what’s this?
s2:it’s a stamp.
t:i like colleting stamps very much.because i like stamps.
“collect stamps”     “collecting stamps”
t:i like going shopping and collecting stamps.going shopping and collecting stamps are my hobbies.do you have any hobbies?s3
s3:yes,i do.i like…(引导回答)
t:do you have any hobbies?s4
s4:yes,i do.i like…
t:s3 likes…(引导回答)
 s4 likes…
 he/she likes…
t:you ask me,please. “do you have any hobbies?”
ss:do you have any hobbies?
t:yes,i do.i like taking photos.
“take photos”   “taking photos”
t:i like taking photos.these are my photos.she’s lili.she likes growing flowers.
“grow flower”    “growing flowers”
he’s maomao.he likes making model ships.
“make model ships”    “making model ships”
yanyan likes making clothes.
“make clothes”     “making clothes”
a.t:now,can you read the new words?
  ok.read it together.one word two times.
b.look carefully,then tell me the missing word.
t:wonderful.let’s ask lili,and maomao together. “do you have any hobbies?”
ss:do you have any hobbies?lili
t(分别扮演lili,maomao and yanyan):yes,i have …i like…
t:lili likes growing flowers.i like growing flowers,too.so we also can say i like growing flowers.she likes growing flowers,too.
 maomao likes making model ships.i like making model ships.=i like making model ships.he likes making model ships,too.
practice:do part c
1.do a survey.part f.书p28
2.sing the song. “hobbies”
t:you did a good job.let’s enjoy a song “hobbies”
注意:collect stamps的发音
     like +ving
     he/she 第三人称后like +s

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