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5A Unit7 After school教案

时间:2015-04-08 11:38来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
教学内容:5a unit7 after school  a版块
教学目的:1.听懂、会说、回读、会拼写单词及短语after school, look for, join, study, a newspaper, a picture book, play with.
2. 听懂、会说、回读、会写现在进行时的一般疑问句及回答。
3.听懂 、会说、回读日常交际用语和句型perhaps they are. i’ll go and join them. where are you going?
step1. sing a song
sing a song“what are you doing?”
1.show them some pictures then ask and answer.
2.one student will do the actions and the other should ask and answer.
3.cover parts of the pictures then guess.
s: is he\she…-ing? are you\they…-ing? t: perhaps they are.
step3. presentation
according to the two scenes, i will bring out two sentence styles: where are you going? i’m going to… 和i’ll go and join them
step4.play a game
when the group1 are dancing, the other groups ask and answer to join them.
step5.read and say
1.watch the videotape of our life then answer “what are they saying?”
2.listen to the tape then answer some questions.
3.read after the tape,then ask some questions by yourself.
4. give them the first sentence then tell me the following one.
5. give the first word then recite the text.
step6. consolidation
when helen and gao shan meet su hai and su yang what will they say?

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