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1 B Unit 4 Postman and Policeman Period 1

时间:2015-03-27 09:56来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1.词汇:follow, turn, left, right
2.词组: follow me,  turn left,  turn right
3.句型:follow me.  turn left. turn right.
1.using imperatives to give simple instructions
e.g. follow me.
1. using imperatives to give simple instructions
pre-task preparation
1.say a rhyme. <i have two eyes> and <catch and run>
2 play a game. <simon says>
while-task procedure
t: wave my hands to greet the class ‘hello!’ then say ‘follow me.’ gesture for the whole class to repeat ‘hello!’ and wave their hands.
1.(lead in):follow me  1) read the word
★2) practice 1: p1: dance, dance, follow me
pall: dance, dance (do action)
   t: i’m a policeman. follow me. (do the action)
2. (lead in):turn right/left    
1)★read the word. left/right
2)★practice 1: left hand/right hand (ear, eye, leg, …)
★practice 2: listen and do the action: raise your left hand.
   open your right eye.
   touch your right ear.
   3) turn left/right
     t: peter, turn left.   p: do the action
     t: …, turn right.    p: do the action
     ★ ask some children to say and do the action.
post-task activities:
1.listen to the tape and read after it.
2.play a game “smon says”
3.show a map (from school to carrefour supermarket)
★p: walk, walk, turn right. walk, walk, turn left. walk, walk, turn right.
(ask some children to show the way to carrefour supermarket.

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