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牛津英语1A Unit 1 my Classroom(第4课时)

时间:2015-04-11 09:47来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
教学目标: 1. using modal verb "can" to express abilities e.g. i can see.
2. using formulaic expressions to indicate sharing e.g. for you and me.
3. using nouns to identify common classroom objects e.g. paper
教学过程教学重点:to learn the sentences: i can see. for you and me.
教学难点:to make them able to use the chant in other ways
教学准备:word cards  cassette player  objects
step 1: warming up
t: class begins
s: stand up, please.
t: good morning.
s: good morning.
t: how are you?
s: fine, thank you.
t: sit down, please.
t: first, let's listen to a song.
(let them listen to the song quietly at the first time, at the second time, ask them to try to sing with the tape)
step 2: revision
(show them pencil)
t: look! what's this?
t: yes, pencil
s: (read after the teacher)
(show them the objects first and then review all the words together)
t: who can say these words?
(give them some time to read these words)
t: now, let's have a competition between groups.
(add a star to the group if they can read all these words and encourage them)
step 3: presentation
t: look! what's this?
t: paper
s: (read after the teacher, then read it one by one)
t: look! what's this?
t: a pencil
(show them all the cards)
s: a pencil, a pen, a ruler, a book, a rubber, a bag.
t: together: paper, a pencil
t: i can see.
(ask individuals to read the sentence)
t: paper, a pencil
t: for you and me.
(ask individuals to read the sentence and then put two together)
step 4: consolidation
t: now, let's play a game.
s: ok.
t: i read and you point.
t: now, listen to the tape and tell me what do you hear?
(encourage the first student who puts up his hand and answers right)
t: let's read together.
牛津英语1a unit 1 my classroom(第4课时) 来自第一范文网。

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