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英语教案-what the weather like?

时间:2015-03-13 08:36来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

《What’s the weather like?》课堂教学设计


一、  Function:  Talking about the weather

二、  Language:What’s the weather like? It’s … What do you wear when…? I wear a raincoat when it’s raining.

三、   Vocabulary: windy, snowing, raining, sunny, mask, raincoat

四、   教学环节:

本节课分为四个部分:即导入  新课、讲授新课、练习、课堂小结。

五、  教学过程 :

Step 1   Warmer:

1、Say “hello” to each other.

2、Sing “A B C” song.

3、Do some actions “clap your hands\Step your feet\smile.”

Step 2   Have the new lesson

1、Show the topic “What’s the weather like?” Let the stusents read and ask the meaning of “weather”

2、 Look the picture (课件出示)carefully and learn the word “sunny”

T: Spring is coming, the sun is shining.  We fell very comfortable. We can go out for a walk or climbing the hills. We call it “sunny”

S: Read after the teather. (领读—齐读—分组读—单个读)

T: Ask “What’s the weather like?”

S: Answer “It’s sunny.”

3、Practice in pairs.

4、Look the picture (课件出示)carefully .

T: After spring,it comes summer. “What’s the weather like?”

S: Answer “It’s hot.”(男女生分读—互问)

T: Do you want some wind? Please listen carefully. What’s  sound?

5、Show the picture (课件出示) Let’s the students look the picture carefully .(raining)

T:  Please tell me “What’s the weather like?”

S:  下雨.

T:  Yes,  raining.(read it.)

S:  Read it.

(Boys and girls ask each other.  “What’s the weather like?”  “It’s raining.”)

6、Show the picture (课件出示) Let’s the students look the picture carefully .(cold )

T:  Please tell me “What’s the weather like?”

 S:  It’s cold.

7、Show the picture (课件出示) Let’s the students look the picture carefully .(snowing)

Step 3  Learn the poem.

T: This poem is very popular in England. It is known by almost British children. Now let’s learn it together.

(Read the poem for 3 times.)

Step 4

Dismiss the class by saying “Good-bye”. The expected response is “Good-bye ,Miss Li.”


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