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英语牛津教材1B-Unit1教案 The Second Period Let’s talk

时间:2015-03-25 09:43来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一、教学目标:1.      知识目标:学会 happy new year 问候新年好。学会问候语 how are you? 及两种不同回答:i am fine. thank you; very well, and you?2.      能力目标:能熟练运用这些句子交流自如。3.      情感目标:教育学生要有礼貌问候别人。二、教学重点:how are you 及 happy new year 问候语。三、教学难点:very well 的正确发音。四、教具准备:cassette 1 b and cassette player, wallcharts 1 b and a puppet.五、教学过程:step1. warming up.     song: happy new year. step 2. pre-tusk preparation.1.      make quick responses. show me your present. try your new shoes.2.      go on talking about the spring festival and ask what will they say when they meet their relatives in the new year.step3. while-task proceduce.1.      put up the wallchart of picture 2 on page 3.  tell a story about this picture to elicit “happy new year!” 2.      practise greeting –happy new year!                  -happy new year!(1)   between the teacher and the students.(2)   between pairs.(3)   between friends.3.      show the wallchart of picture 1 on page 3. introduce the scene to elicit “how are you? i am fine, thank you.” emitate and practise. 4.      then elicit another answer “very well, and you?” say the sentence slowly.pay attention to the shape of the mouth. emitate.5.      using a puppet. the teacher practise the dialogue with the puppetas a model: –how are you? -very well, and you? -i am fine, too. thank you.6.  ask more able students to practise with the teacher first . then practise in pairs.6.      play the cassette tape. the students repeat.step 4 post-task activity1.      get the students to act out the picture 1 and 2 on page 3.2.      get the students to go around the classroom and greet their friends using the learned sentences.进一步熟悉歌曲,在演演唱唱中自觉习得 happy new year 问候语。 知识的积累需要不断巩固。启发谈话,激发兴趣,引入新课。  听听故事,为新句创设语境,帮助形象记忆。 培养学以致用的交际能力。   语言知识在情境中引入,有助于理解记忆。 放慢发音的速度,引起学生的注意。夸张口形便于学生正确模仿。利用玩偶示范对话,能牢牢吸引学生的注意力。   多种形式操练,增加视听次数,避免枯燥。磁带正音,完整感知。 创设语境,在演演说说中培养学生实际运用语言的能力,形象感知,加深印象。板书设计:    课后小结:

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