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Book 1B Unit 3 The Bund教案(2)

时间:2015-04-14 08:58来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
the second period
1. 能听懂grand theatre的对话内容,并能模仿grand theatre录音的语音语调表演对话。
2. 能运用一些简单、准确的语句介绍一些地方。
3. 能用较多的形容词进行赞美。
3. 能了解上海,热爱上海.
二、教学重点:1、能熟练听、说、读单词:the bund, huangpu river, so many ships.
一、 pre-task preparation
     1. look at the picture and read the words.
     2. 用this is… that is …操练
二、while-task procedure
   1. learn the word: huangpu river
     (1) how is shanghai? do you like to go to shanghai? how can we go to shanghai?     now let’s go to shanghai.
     (2) 出示图片:what’s this? (引出changjiang river)
     (3)  learn the word: river  changjiang river
     (4)  look, is this changjiang river? (引出huangpu river)
   2. learn: so many ships
(1)  t: what can you see on the huangpu river? (ship)
         t: yes, look, so many ships.  (出示图片)
     (2) practice: (创设情景, 自编对话)
         e.g. look, that is the shanghai zoo.
            oh, so many animals!
   3. learn the words: the bund
     (1) t: look, what place is it? is this grand theatre / nanpu bridge…?
          (引出: the bund)
     (2) read the word.
     (3) what do you think of the bund?
     (4) 出示图片替换操练: e.g. wow, how tall! wow, how nice! wow, how big! wow, how clean!......
   4. chant: beautiful, beautiful, the bund is beautiful, how beautiful!
  三、post-task activity.
     1. listen to the dialogue
     2. ask and answer: where are they? what can they see on the huangpu river?
 3. act out the dialogue.
4. make a dialogue:
book 1b unit 3 the bund教案(2) 来自第一范文网。

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