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1B Module 3 Unit 1 Colourful spring 教学设计

时间:2015-04-13 09:18来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

teaching aims:
1. to pronounce the key words correctly.
spring, sky, grass, sun, colourful
2. to understand the key pattern.
spring is …
3. to use the key patterns to describe spring.
e. g. the sky is blue. spring is blue.
4. to understand the characteristics of spring.
e. g. spring is colourful..
5. to feel the beauty of spring
important points:
1. to pronounce the key words correctly.
spring, sky, grass, sun, colourful
2. to use the key patterns to describe spring.
e. g. the sky is blue. spring is blue.
difficult points:
1. the sound of “ spring”
teaching aids:
2.word cards
3.passage papers

teaching procedure:

stepscontentsmethodspurposepre-task procedures1revisionshow the students the picture of spring. ask: what do you see? what colour is it?用春天景色的图片吸引学生,让他们先感受春天的气息,复习句型i see ______. it is ______.while-task procedures1learn the word” spring”1.      ask: do you know what season it is? (spring )2.      show some pictures of spring.3.      practice” spring” 由看春天图片引出单词spring,在欣赏春天美景时再次感受春天的美,通过读小短文形式反复操练spring。2learn the word “sky”1.      a frog asks: how is spring?2.      show the bird. the bird says: the sky is blue. spring is blue.3.      practice” sky” 4.      learn: the sky is blue. spring is blue.通过井底之蛙对外面春天的美一无所知,先引出小鸟对春天的理解,认为天空是蓝色的,春天是蓝色的。引出单词”sky” ,用儿歌形式操练单词。3learn the word “grass” 1.      the rabbit likes the grass. 2.      learn” grass”: show the pictures of grass.3.      practice4.      what can the rabbit say?通过小兔的眼中草地是绿色的,春天是绿色的,引出单词”grass”。在上文的铺垫下,让学生采用半提示填空的方式说出句型the grass is green. spring is green.     4learn the word” sun” 1.      the bee likes the sun.2.      learn ”sun”3.      what can the bee say?蜜蜂感受到的春天是黄色的,因为太阳是黄色的。引出单词”sun”, 让学生自己说出句型the sun is yellow.spring is yellow.5learn the word” colourful”1.      let the pupils talk about:in your eyes, how is spring?2.      spring has different colours. spring is colourful.3.      learn” colourful”4.      practice让学生讨论自己眼中的春天是怎样的。教师总结,春天是五彩缤纷的。引出单词” colourful”,通过“头脑风暴”来操练巩固单词。post-task activities1read a passage1.      listen to a passage2.      fill in the blanks and read by yourselves.3.      read the completed passage通过听短文,对文章有初步感知,然后通过边填空边朗读把所学句型串连成优美的春天小诗。2sing a song1.      sing a song: spring has arrived” 带着对春天美景的喜爱之情演唱歌曲homework1.      read this passage to your parents2. talk about colourful spring

1b module 3 unit 1 colourful spring 教学设计 来自第一范文网。

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