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牛津1A Unit1

时间:2015-03-27 09:56来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1.  letters:
a  a     b  b    c  c    d  d      e  e      f f    g g     h h    i i    j   j    k  k 
2.  words:
book  ruler  pencil  pen  rubber  bag
3.  sentences:
1). stand up, please.      2). sit down, please.         3). open your book.        4). close your book.          5). how are you?          fine, thank you.          7). good morning.       good morning.
4.  games about stationery
paper,  a pencil.  /   i can see.   /   paper, a pencil  /  for you and me!
replace with the following words:
book   ruler    pencil   rubber   pen   bag
5.  song
good morning
6.  exercise
unit1 my classroom(我的教室)
1.write the following letters(写会下列字母): a a,b b,c c,d d,e e,f f,g g,h h,i i,j j,k k 2. words(单词): book(书)ruler(尺),pencil(铅笔),pen(钢笔),rubber(橡皮),bag(包).3.read the sentences(读熟句子):1). stand up, please.请起立。2). sit down, please.请坐。3). open your book.打开书。4). close your book(合上书) 5). how are you?(你好吗?)fine, thank you.(很好。谢谢)7). good morning.(早上好。)good morning.(早上好。)4. games about stationery(文具游戏):paper,  a pencil. / i can see. / paper, a pencil / for you and me!  纸张,铅笔我能看见。纸张,铅笔。给我和你    replace with the following words(用下列词替换): book,ruler,pencil,rubber,pen,bag 5.song(歌曲):good morning  good morning,good morning,/good morning,teacher./i take my bag and book,/my bag and book to school./早上好,早上好。/老师,早上好。/我带着书包和书/到学校。6. exercise(练习):1)按顺序填空ab_de,fghi_k.2)写出对应的大小写字母a_f_d_k_.3)情景会话:good morning!_______./how are you?

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