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牛津小学英语3A Unit 8教学设计

时间:2015-03-24 09:58来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
二、 教学目标
1、能听懂、会说单词:a park, a zoo, a cinema, a bus, a car, a bike, a plane.
2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 let’s go to… all right. ok. let’s go. good\great. but how? by …
三、 教学难点
1、a cinema, a bike, plane 的读音。
四、 教学过程
教师与学生打招呼:good morning, boys and girls, nice to meet you.学生回答:nice to meet you.
t: what’s your name? how are you? ss: …
t: now, let’s sing a song ,ok? ( 师播放歌曲《hello! how are you?》)
1. t : today i’ll invite some new friends here.look! what’s this? (电脑屏幕依次出现a panda, an elephant 和a tiger 的图片,)where are they? let’s ask.“where are you?” “we are in the zoo.”教授单词a zoo.
t: let’s go to the zoo. 引导学生说出“ok. let’s go.” “all right.”
2. (电脑屏幕出现公园的图画) t:is this a zoo? no, it isn’t. it’s a park. 教授单词a park
3. look! there is a cinema near the park. 教授单词a cinema.
由let’s go to the cinema. 引出句型good\great! but how?
4. 听声音呈现三种交通工具的声音,让学生边猜边学单词。
a car, a bus, a bike
zoo, zoo, zoo, let’s go to the zoo.
but how, but how. let’s go by car.
park, park, park. let’s go to the park.
but how, but how. let’s go by bus.
cinema, cinema, let’s go to the cinema.
but how, but how. let’s go by bike.
2. now you can invite your friends to go to the cinema. use the sentences.
s1: let’s go to the cinema. s2: ok. \all right.\good.\ great. but how?
1. t: let’s go to the cinema together.s: ok… t: look. what’s on? there’s a cartoon. let’s watch it. (观看课文录像)
t : (屏幕定格在西安的图片) t:where is it? s: it’s xi’an.
t: let’s go to xi’an. s: good. but how? t: by plane. 教授单词plane
1. read the text after the teacher.
2. read the text together.
3. look, there are many beautiful places here. you can choose one place to prepare a dialogue with your partner.
4. acting
5. homework
(1) .read the words and the dialogues.
(2) .make dialogues.
6. say goodbye.

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