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The Swedish rock band Lesson 37

时间:2014-05-05 10:01来源:好学点击:字体:[ ]

Lesson 37

Teaching Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Ss should be able to interview somebody.


Tape recorder. Overhead projector, posters of bands

Language FOCUS:

give a concert journalist band the Beatles Sweden-Swedish

Teaching Procedures:

I. Revision

Dictate the words in Unit 9.

II. Leading - in

1. Listen to a song by the band “the Beatles”.

2. Ask the Ss whether they know any bands of Sweden.

III. Teaching the dialogue

1. Listen and (Finish the chart), making sure the Ss understand the dialogue.

2. Language points

(1) Sweden→Swedish

(2) give a concert

eg. Leon will give a concert at capital Gymnasium on May 4th.

(3) journalist

eg. Even wants to be a journalist after graduation.


eg. My favourite band is “H. O.T.”

(5)the Beatles

3. Retell sth. about the Swedish rock band according to the dialogue.

4. Go over the interview in Ex. 2

5. Make up a similar interview.

eg. interview “the Beatles” or one’s favourite band.

6. Act out the interview.

IV. Exercise in class


The Swedish rock band “Yesterday” is going to give a concert in Kunming tonight. The band is made up of three members.

They call themselves “Yesterday”, because they like old music. They sing in English because people in many countries can understand English songs.

V. Homework

Writing: My Favourite Band/Singer

Requirements: approximately 100 words

Introduction of the band + why do you like it.

VI. The design of the blackboard

Lesson 37

the Swedish rock band your first visit to…

visit China leave the band

give a concert a band called The Beatles’

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