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下学期 Lesson 120教学设计

时间:2015-03-13 08:34来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]


1 Check homework.

2 Sing a song of your choosing.

Step 2 Ask and answer

SB Page 69, Part 1. Practise in pairs, talking about the people in the pictures. The students should use the model given. Have several pairs volunteer to talk about the pictures for the class. They may ask as many questions as they can, e.g. What (work) does he do? Where does he work? How does he go to work? Does he like his work? What's he doing now? Where's he going?

Step 3 Read and write

1 SB page 69, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 120. Students skim the passage for the main idea. (It's Wednesday and people are going to the Great Wall. These people are from many countries.)

2 Play the tape, students listen and repeat.

3 In small groups, hand each group a piece of paper with Now they are getting on a big bus … written at the top of the paper. The first member of the group writes a sentence, and then passes the paper to the right. Then the next student writes a sentence until the last student of the group, who writes the last sentence of the story. The endings do not necessarily have to be logical. They can be just for fun. Have several groups volunteer to read their endings for the class. For example, the first person may write, The people are waiting on the bus. The second person could write, The bus driver is not there, etc.

Step 4 Listen and answer

SB Page 70, Part 3, Listening Cassette Lesson 120. Let the students read the passage to be completed in Wb Lesson 120, Ex. 2. Ask What does Jim/Li Lei like doing? Play the tape several times if necessary.

Do Ex. 2 orally first, then ask the students to fill in the blanks.

The answers are: dad; swimming; uncle; fishing; fish; home; dad; eat

Step 5 Look, ask and write

1 SB Page 70, Part 4*. Read through the business cards together as a class. Using the model given, write about the first business card on the Bb as a class. In pairs, have the students write about the remaining 3 cards.

2 Have the students individually make their own business cards. Collect them and display them in the class.

Step 6 Checkpoint 30

Checkpoint 30 is NOT in the book. You may take this chance to explain the ten parts of speech of English words. Use this time to revise any particular points that your students find difficult. Ask them if they have any questions. This is a good way of preparing for the end of semester test.

Step 7 Workbook

SB Pages 152-154, Wb Lesson 120, Exx. 1 and 3-5. Do Ex. 1 orally to review the verb tenses taught this year. For Ex. 3 have the students interview another student in the class who they don't usually talk with. Exx. 4 and 5 may be given as homework. Exx. 6 and 7 are optional. Ex. 7 may be used as an acting contest for the last day of class. You may give a prize to the best actors. This is a fun way to end school before summer break.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Revise all the language items in the SB.

Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment

1 Encourage the students to speak, read and listen to as much English as they can even when they aren't in school. They can watch English TV programmes, listen to English radio or songs on tapes or CDs and start noticing as many English signs as they can in their environment. All of this will help them to learn English more easily.

2 As well, if you have any ideas of your own to contribute to the Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment section, please share them with us. We hope to provide the students with as many creative ideas for learning and practising English as we can!

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