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What do people eat? Lesson 58

时间:2015-03-18 09:49来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 58

Period: The Second Period

Properties: Pictures, Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Language Focus: the most popular, be good for

Teaching Procedures:

a) Organizing the class

T: Good afternoon, class!

Ss: Good afternoon, teacher!

T: Sit down, please. Now let’s listen to a duty report.

b) Revision

T: Ask the students what they often eat. List the answers on the blackboard and then go on asking: What’s your favourite food/drink/meat? Get them to know the usage of the word “favourite”. You can write the explanation “the most popular” on the blackboard and you can also tell them that it means “like best”.

For example: He is a good teacher. We all like him.(You can get them to say “He’s a popular teacher”.)

c) Presentation

The teacher can begin on here teaching with the question: “What’s your favourite teacher?” Get them to give best answers. Encourage them to speak more.

d) Praceise Part 1

T: You can tell the class: “I buy some oranges every day”, and you ask them “What’s my favourite fruit?” “Do I like the oranges?” “Are they delicious?”…

T: Pair work.

(Give the class some key words)

1. Mary, you , like, pizzas

2. Oh no, I, hamburgers

3. Really, what, the most popular, in America

4. I, think, Kentuckey

5. everybody, know, save, time


Li Ming : Mary! Do you like pizzas?

Mary: Oh no, I like hamburgers.

Li: Really? What’s the most popular food in America?

M: I think it’s Kentuckey food. It’s America fast food.

Li: Everybody knows it can save time.

T: Ask the students to prepare a few minutes. Get individual students to come to the front to work on the other dialogues.

e) Learn Part 2

Check the answers to Part 1 and get the class to listen to the tape about the text once.Ask them to question each other by listening.

Prompts(with simple questions):

1.—Has each country got its favourite food?


2.—Do Italians like eating pizzas?


3.—Do they like hot food?


4.—What about Japanese? What do they like to eat?


(T: The Japanese people like to eat raw fish. raw means uncooked)They don’t cook fish. Because it is really delicious.

T: Get the students to listen to the tape again, and let one of them retell the text without looking at his/her book. If possible, give some prompts on the blackboard. Get them to practice the following phrases:

1. like to do

like doing

2. one of…

3. kinds of: sorts of

4. take something home

Take something to one’s work place

5. the most popular

6. find something+adj

Find somebody+doing something

T: Get the students to make sentences with the words above. Encourage them to make a short passage, and then let one student summarize this short passage. At last the teacher should write the word “enjoy” on the blackboard. Get them to know how to use it.

For example: 1.enjoy doing

2. keep doing

3. finish doing

4. practice doing

5. mind doing

6. avoid doing

7. delay doing

resist doing

f) Learn Part 3

T: Practise questioning each other about the pictures on the blackboard.

Pair work: Make dialogues like the following.

A: Do you think fish is very popular in China?

B: I’m not sure. But I think it’s very popular in Japan.

(Notes: Let one student who is good at drawing pictures come to the front, draw some familiar pictures for practicing.)

g) Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks.

1. Why have they delayed(推迟) (open)the new school?

2. Would you mind (close)the window? It’s too cold.

3. Have you finished (read)that novel?

4. I’m sorry, I kept you (wait)for long.

5. I’ve enjoyed (talk)to you about old times.

Keys:1.opening 2.closing 3.reading 4.waiting 5.talking

h) Homework

1. Retell the text.

2. Make sentences with “enjoy doing”, “find something+adj”.

3. Do exercises on page 62.

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