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Lesson 3

时间:2015-03-15 10:06来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

Step 1 Revision

Write on the board: Lesson Three, the third lesson .

Revise the dialogues in SB page 2, Part 2 and Part 3.

Step 2 Practice

Get the Ss, first as a class, then individually, to respond correctly to random statements, like this:

T: How do you do!

A: How do you do !

T: How are you!

B: Fine, thanks.

T: May I borrow your pen?

C: Certainly! Here you are/Take this one.

T: Welcome back to school!

D: Thank you, sir.

T: My name's What's yours?


Step 3 Read and act

SB page 3, Part 1. Speech Cassette .

Books closed! Ask What does Mr Wu want?

Who helps him? Play the tape for the Ss to find the answers. Then play the first part of the dialogue again. Ss listen and repeat, then practise in pairs, changing a ruler to a piece of chalk or other objects. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogue. Play the second part of the dialogue. Ss listen and repeat, then practise in threes. Get some groups to act out the whole dialogue. See if any can do it without books!

Step 4 Presentation

Ask individual Ss to perform actions: Please open the door/close the window, etc. As the Ss perform the actions, ask the class What is he/she doing? Help the class to answer He/She's opening the door/closing the window.

Ask What is… wearing? Get the class to describe Ss' clothing, using He/She's wearing…Briefly revise the forms and use of the Present Continuous Tense.

Step 5 Ask and answer

SB page 3, Part 2. Do the first two questions with the whole class. Then Ss ask and answer in pairs. Check the answers.

Step 6 Workbook

Wb , Exx. 1-3.

Ex. 1 may be done orally first, then in writing.

Ex. 2 is done in writing. Remind the Ss that the Present Simple Tense is used for general facts and statements. Let the Ss write their answers before discussing orally the questions at the end of the exercise. The questions could be answered in writing for homework. (The answers are: teaches, is, likes, speaks, like, is, goes, has, are, are, look, wear, loves, play, calls )

Ex. 3 is an oral exercise. (Optional)


Revise the new words and structures in this unit. Write the answers to the questions in Ex. 2.

If there is time, write some sentences in answer to the questions in Ex. 3.

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