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Lesson 24

时间:2015-03-16 09:03来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise the dialogue and picture in SB page 23, Part 2.

2 Revise the dialogue in Lesson 23, Step 2 and add a further suggestion using Why not…?

A: Shall we go to the zoo?

B: No, let's go to Zhongshan .Park!

A: OK! Why not ask the twins too?

B: Good idea!

Step 2 Word families

SB page 24, Part 1. Speech Cassette .

Ss listen and repeat. Remember that, for each group, the pronunciation is the same but the spelling varies: toilet, boy. Practise the individual sounds and the words with flashcards in the usual way.

Wb , Ex. 1. The answers are: meal, twin, toilet, from.

Step 3 Stress and intonation

SB page 24, Part 2. Speech Cassette .

Ss listen and repeat. Get them to use gestures to show the stress and intonation as they speak.

Step 4 Reading

Ask What animals live in a zoo? Make a list of the Ss' answers on the Bb.

SB page 24, Part 3. Ask Which animals do Lin Tao and Jim see? Get the Ss to read the dialogue quickly to find the answer. Then the Ss do Wb , Ex . 2 in pairs . Check the answers with the whole class .

Speech Cassette . Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat.

Step 5 Acting

Ss practise the dialogue in pairs in the usual way. Get some pairs to act it out dramatically (using books for reference only ) .

Step 6 Checkpoint 6

Go through Checkpoint 6 and explain any problems arising.

Practise telling the time.

Step 7 Test

1 Dictate the following words and expressions:

a quarter past nine, half past eleven, ten minutes to four, a little earlier.

2 Write the following on the Bb:

1 A: ______?

B: No, thank you .

2 A: ______?

B: I would love to.

3 A: ______?

B: All right .

Get the Ss to complete the above dialogues.

Step 8 Workbook

Do Wb , Ex . 3, if time permits .

Do Ex . 3 in writing first, then the Ss practise the dialogues in pairs .

The answers are:

1 Would/Could; Yes/Certainly; Shall;

Good idea .

2 is going; great/good; Shall; Let's; All right/OK/Great .


Learn the contents of Checkpoint 6.

Revise the language items in this unit .

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