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时间:2013-10-24 08:39来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

 A:  How do you spell it ?

 B:   W-A-T-C-H.

    A:  Is this your watch ?

    B:  Yes, it is.



A: What’s this?

B: It’s a notebook.

A: How do you spell it?

B: N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K

A: Is this your notebook?

         B:  No, it isn’t. It’s her notebook.

         A to C: Is this your notebook ?

         C :  Yes, it is.


(三)  Using the language  任务示范与讲解

      In your daily life, you must have lost something or found something that doesn’t belong to you. Have you got it back or found the owner?


1.  Sample





 Is this your watch ? (draw a picture)

Call John at

357- 1245





My key

My name is Steve

Please call 456-1478


2        Write your own bulletin board message





 四  Homework

   1 Listening  Section B  2a  2b

   2 Finish 3a  3b

 3 Use a photo to talk

1) A: Is this your uncle?   B: Yes, he is.

2) A: Is this your brother?   B: Yes, he is.

3) A: Is this your mother?   B: No, she isn’t.



(The  fourth  period)


Teaching aims:

1.      Learn to ask for something by using “Is this your …?”

2.      Try to master such pronouns as my\your\her\his…

3.      Learn to write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.

Teaching difficult and important points:

 Develop the ability to make full use of the drills in daily


Teaching method:

Task-teaching; Discussion-teaching

Teaching aids:

Cards; CAI; Real objects

Teaching period: One

Teaching process:

Step 1.Self check

1.The Ss are required to remember the words of unit7 as

quickly as they can in one minute.

2.Check the words they know in Part 1 on page 46 and

write out their Chinese meanings.

Step 2.New words

1.      tennis ; 2. bookcase ; 3. soccer ; 4. club ; 5. star ;

6. lunch ; 7. T-shirt ; 8. pants ; 9. plaza ; 10.dollar ;

Step 3.Choice

Choose five new words you like and write them down

in Part 2 on Page 46.

Step 4.Oral exercise

Look at the picture in Part 3 and make up conversations

According to the following drills:

-Is this \that…?

-Yes,it is.\No,it isn’t.

Step5. Written work

Read the bulletin board notices on Page 45 and try to

write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.




1. Lost:

My watch .

My name is Kate.

Please call 222-0909.



A watch.

Is this your watch?

Please call Peter .

Phone number:666-0808.


Step 6.Assignment

Read the drills and finish the exercise-book. 

