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时间:2015-03-24 09:57来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
unit2测试卷一。词汇。(a)用所给单词的适当形式填空:(30分)1. my sister is_______(terrify) of dark. she can’t go out at night by herself 2. after the dog’s______(dead), the boy isn’t happy all the time.3.we made a______(decide) to send the naught boy to mr.wang.4. all the students are very______(surprise) to hear that the leaders don’t come.5. the mother took_______(proud) in her son’s success.(b)根据句意,选用下列词(组)选用下列词的适当形式填空。

without, be terrified of, right,problem,used to, be interested in,in the dark,spider,chew, sure

6.he _________ be late for school last term, didn’t he?7. suddenly all the lights went out and we were left_____.8. i am______that you can pass the exam if you work hard.9. miss wang_______________ flying on an airplane for the first time.10. a. _____ is an insect with eight thin legs and it feeds on other smaller insects.11. _____ your food well before you swallow it.12. i have to answer the phone, but i’ll be_____ back.13. she_____ shopping all the time. 14. we were_____ electricity for three hours but it’s on again now.15. i am not good at english. my biggest _____ is that i have no time.二.单项选择。(40分)1. the radio and the light in the room were_____ . but nobody was in.a. in b. on c. off d. over2. –how much time do you____ watcthing tv? –less than an hour.a. take b. spend c. cost d. pay3. what_____ in your country in the last few years?a. happen b. happened c. has happened d. had happened4. my mother will be there_____ the end of next week.a. by b. at c. in d. on5. he got the first prize in the match and his parents are all____ it.a. pride of   b. proud of   c. pride in   d. proud in6. you mustn’t give ____ foreign languages for even a day.a. up to study b. up studying c. into study d. in studying7.. even ___ he was tired, he helped me with my work.a. though b. although c. / d. when8. i sat behind in the hall, so i could_____ hear the speaker.a. mostly b. almost c. hardly d. hard9. the way to solve the problem is_____. a. that we must work together. b. that must we work togetherc. what we must work together d. whether we must work together10. they____ cut many trees down to make a fire, but they didn’t know wood_____ make paper. a. used to; used to  b. were use to; is used to c. used to; is used to  d. have used to; used to11. it ___ me two hours to get there by bus.  a. spent b. took c. used d. paid12. the little boy is lost. he can’t stop_____. a. to cry b. cried c. cry d. crying13. my little son is____ the dark, so he never go to bed without the lights on. a. interested in  b .terrified of  c. afraid  d. enjoying14. there used to be a tree in front of our classroom,____? a. used there b. didn’t there c. wasn’t there d. did it15. steve used to be quiet, but now he is_____.a. quieter b. more quickly c. noise d. outgoing16.why were you late for the meeting? it was___ i missed the first bus.a. because b. that c. why d. what17. many clouds in the sky.____ it’s going to rain.a. it seem which b. seeming c. seems d. it seems that18. the man made a living_____ bikes for others.a. by repairs b. by repairing c. for repair d. to repair19. whom does the boy more____, his father or his mother?a. sound like b. look like c. feel like d. would like20. the girl is studying abroad. her mother____ her all the time.a. worries about b. worries c. is worrying d. is worried三。补全对话,每空一词。(10分) a: hey, ted, over there! don’t you remember me? b: oh, wow! you are jane,____1___ you? a: that’s right. b: you __2___ to be really shy, didn’t you? a: yeah. i___3_ very outgoing. b: you used to ___4__ afraid of flying in an airplane,___5__ you? a: yes i did. b: are you_6_­­­ afraid of flying in an airplane. a: no, i’m not.__7__ about you? b: me? oh, i’m__8___of flying in an airplane.a: so what do you do__9__ it? b: i usually go out___10__ bus.四.句型转换。(10分)   1. my father is the pride of us.(变同义句) we _____ ____ ____ my father。   2. his brother gave up drinking when he was thirty years old. (变同义句)     his brother______ _______ when he was thirty years old.   3. i used to hate english class.(对划线部分提问)______ _____ you _____ hate?   4. she is afraid of the snake. (变同义句) she is _____ ____ the snake五。写作。谈一谈自己三年内的变化(如过去怎样,现在怎样)及将来的打算。字数80-100. (10分)
