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新课标英语七年级的配套练习 unit8

时间:2015-03-25 09:41来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
unit 8 when is your birthday? practice 1作业导航1. 掌握本单元的基础知识:when引导的疑问句;句型how old are you?和名词所有格形式;记忆月份和序数词的词汇。?2.能够通过练习熟练掌握询问日期的表达法。一、根据本单元所学词汇,补全下列单词?j_n_ _ ry                                               m_ _ch?j_l_                                                              j_n_?f_br_ _ry                                                      _ _g_st?d_c_mber                                                     n_v_mber?s_pt_mber                                                           _ct_ber?_pr_l                                                             b_ _thday?d_t_                                                              m_nth?sp_ _ch                                                         c_nt_st?二、写出下列序数词?1st ___________ 2nd ___________ 3rd ___________?4th ___________ 5th ___________ 8th ___________?9th___________ 12th ___________ 20th ___________?31st ___________?三、看名人图片,找出他们的姓名和出生日期?    ___________                                        ___________?    ___________                                        ___________?    ___________                                               ___________?    ___________                                               ___________?           ___________                                      ___________?    ___________                                      ___________?四、选择最佳选项替换划线部分?1.lucy's birthday is tomorrow. ?a.his                                             b.i?c.their                                                  d.her?2.lei hao's pants are brown. ?a.you                                                    b.her?c.his                                                     d.he?3.kate green's date of birth is june 3. ?a.their                                                  b.them?c.her                                                     d.she?4.zhen zhuo's and du ke's birthdays are in may. ?a.their                                                  b.my?c.them                                                 d.theirs ?5.my sister's favorite game is volleyball. ?a.your                                                          b.my?c.i                                                               d.her?6.my father and mother's bedroom is very big.?a.his                                                            b.her?c.their                                                         d.they?五、连词组句 (请注意大小写和标点符号)?1.your,is,birthday,when?________________________________________________?2.is,november twenty-eight5h,birthday,my?________________________________________________?3.were,you,what,born,year?________________________________________________?4.have,you,do,events,what,at school?________________________________________________?5.on,we,october eighteenth,english speech contest,an,have?________________________________________________六、补全下列对话?1.a:___________________________________?b:my birthday is october 10th.?a:oh,next saturday is your birthday.___________________________________?b:thanks a lot.___________________________________?a:yes,i would like to.shall i ask xiao ming to go to your birthday party??b:sure.we’ll have a good time on that day.?2.?参考答案一、january, march, july, june, february, august, december, november, september, october, april, birthday, date, month, speech contest?二、first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, thirty first?三、    marie curie ?november 7th,1867           lei feng ?december 18th,1940           zhang haidi ?september 16th,1955           liu dehua ?september 27th,1961?       pele    ?october 12th,1940           zhou runfa ?may 18th,1955    四、1~6 dccadc?五、1.when is your birthday??2.my birthday is november twenty-eighth.?3.what year were you born??4.what events do you have at school??5.we have an english speech contest on october eighteenth.?六、1.a:when is your birthday??a:happy birthday! b:would you like to come to my birthday party??2.when is your birthday??how old are you?? 

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