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Unit2 period 4学案(新目标七年级上)

时间:2015-04-12 09:25来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
unit 2 is this your pencil?language goal: 学习目标:words: 写出下列词语的对应中文并背诵。(参看课本101页)at___, in____, the_____, lost_____, found_____, lost and found__________, please______, school______, a set_____, of_______sentences:在sectionb 3a 中找出对应句子并背诵。   请给alan打电话,号码为4953539。______ alan _____ 4953539.   请给mary打电话,电话 235-0285。_______ _____ mary.                                   _______ 235-0285.基础1. lydia 捡到a pen, 她的联系电话为2243638请你仿照课文3a写一则招领启示。2.写出下列短语。失物招领处______ _____ and ______ _____给alan打电话_______ _______捡到_________我的学生证______ school_____ ______请拨号6856034。______ ______ _______3.写一则寻物启示。tony 丢了学生证,他的联系电话为6856034。    提高1. this is ______________ key and that is ___________ eraser.    a. a, a                                 b. a, an    c. an, a                               d. the, an2. —is that a baseball?    —_________________    a. yes, that is.                            b. no, it isn’t.c. yes, it’s.                         d. it’s a baseball.3. —is this her pen?    —_____________________    a. no, it’s my pen.    b. no, it’s a pen.    c. yes, it’s my pen.    d. yes, it isn’t.4. this is not _________ watch. i think(认为) it’s _____________ watch.    a. you, he                           b. she, my    c. his, her                           d. me, his5. it is _______________.    a. pen                                 b. my a pen    c. a my pen                         d. my pen 6. is this ____________ english car?    a. you                          b. i                       c. your          d. a 7. —what’s this in english?    —______________ a pencil case.    a. this’s                             b. this is    c. its                                  d. it’s 8. —your ring is nice.    —_____________________.    a. thank you                       b. ok    c. sorry                              d. it’s not nice 9. —what’s that?    —it’s ____________ id card.    a. my a                        b. an                     c. the                    d. a 10. is that your pencil ________ the lost and found case?    a. in                                   b. at                      c. on                    d. of 11. please call mike _________ 235-0285.    a. for                           b. at                      c. to                            d. in —_________________.    a. yes, it isn’t                             b. no, it is    c. yes, it is                                 d. no, she isn’t 12. this is ___________ eraser and that’s ____________ gold ring.    a. a, an                                      b. an, an    c. an, a                                      d. a, a 13. —_______________ this?    —_____________ a computer.    a. what’s, this                          b. what’s, it’s    c. what, it                                 d. what, this is 14. __________ tom. this is ____________ book.    a. i am, my                                b. i am, i    c. he is, he                                 d. he is, her 根据提示,连词成句。 1. that, a, is, school. _______________________?那是一所学校吗? 2. ruler, it, a, is. _______________________? 那是一把尺子吗? 3. english, this, in is, what. ________________________? 4. his, it, dictionary, isn’t._________________________.那个不是他的词典。 5. you, do, game, how, spell. __________________________? 你怎样拼写game这个词? viii. 阅读下列启事,判断正(t)误(f)。   (1)lydia’s telephone number is 442-697._______   (2)david’s computer game is lost. _______  (3)liza’s backpack is in the lost and found case.____   (4)ely’s id card is lost.______   (5)529903 is ely’s phone number._________ix. 书面表达假如你是david,你的电话是32356824。


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