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七年级英语下学期 Lesson 118教学设计示例

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Lesson 118教学设计示例








Step 1 Revision

1 Revise Lesson 114, Step 5 in the TB. Write the names and prices of uncountables (meat, bread, etc.) on one side of the Bb and those of countables (eggs, apples, etc.) on the other.

2 Ask Can I have some meat? etc. Get the students to answer Yes, how much do you want? How many do you want? Repeat with uncountables and countables. Revise Lesson 114, Step 7 in the TB.

Step 2 Presentation

Erase meat on the Bb. Teach Can I have some meat? Answer Sorry, you can't have any meat. There isn't any! Practise in two groups. Erase the other uncountables, one by one. Then practise randomly.

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 67, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 118. Books closed! Ask What do they sell in the shop? Play the tape. Check the answer (rice, bread, milk, cakes, tea and so on). Have students guess the meaning of and so on. Books open! Play the tape again, students listen and repeat. In pairs, students practise reading the dialogue aloud.

Step 4 Presentation

Ask a student How much is your English book? Help the student to answer My English book is… yuan … fen / cents. Ask several other students How much is your pen/paper/eraser? etc.

Step 5 Ask and answer

SB Page 67, Part 2. Teach price. In small groups have the students ask each other about some of their things. Then ask one person about the items of the students in their group, e.g. ask What's the price of… ? Or How much is …? Help the student to answer Her/His book is … yuan.

Step 6 Solve the word puzzle

Have the students work in pairs to solve the puzzle. Check answers. (1 fish; 2 chicken; 3 tomato; 4 potato; 5 apple; 6 dumpling; 7 onion; 8 vegetable; 9 milk; 10 fruit; 11 drinks; 12 tea.

Step 7 Workbook

SB Page 150, Wb Lesson 118, Exx. 1 and 2. The dialogue in Ex. 1 covers several topic areas, e.g. borrowing things, shopping, and telling the time. It is good for revision. Apart from answering the questions provided in the book, students may put forward more questions about the facts.

Assign Ex. 2 as homework.


Write Ex. 2 in the exercise book.

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