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Lesson 8

时间:2015-03-15 10:07来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

Step 1 Revision

Teach eighth in the same way as seventh. (But only one t in eighth!)

Ask a student What time do you usually get up?

Write the answer on the Bb. Get other Ss to ask the student questions in the same way: What time do you usually have supper? What do you usually do on Sunday? etc. Ask the class about this student: What time does he/she usually have supper? etc. Then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs. Get some pairs to report their answers.

Step 2 Word families

SB page 8, Part 1. Speech Cassette . Get the Ss to listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds first,then practise the words randomly by showing the Ss a flashcard and ask them to pronounce the word written on it. Make sure that the Ss stress words of two or three syllables correctly (do extra practice if necessary). Draw the Ss' attention to the pronunciation of the letters. In the second group the letters are all pronounced/+/in unstressed syllables.

Do Wb , Ex. I The answers are: bread, night, Chinese, only.

Step 3 Practice

SB page 8, Part 2. Tell the Ss to look at the diagram. Ask How many students are there in the class? (48) . Get an oral answer. Then ask How many students usually come to school on foot? etc. Get individual Ss to ask more questions. Check the answers. The answers are: 24 students come on foot, 12 by bike, 8 by bus and 4 by car.

Step 4 Practice

Revise the results of the survey in Lesson 7.

Get the Ss to work in pairs to produce a diagram showing the results. Ask a pair to draw it on the Bb.

Step 5 Checkpoint 2

Go through Checkpoint 2. Reteach any points that are necessary and ask the Ss to tell you of any problems they have. Revise the forms of the Present Simple Tense and use drills where appropriate.

Step 6 Test

Dictate this short passage and get the Ss to use the correct word where there is a blank(____). Show the Ss where the blanks are by using a gesture. If you think this is too difficult, dictate the whole passage without leaving any blanks. Please see the Foreword, page 10, as how to give a dictation.

I usually* come____ school *____ bike,* but today* I'm____ foot. *My____ is broken. *It doesn't matter. * I like walking. * It's a fine day *____ a walk! * The air is nice* ____clean. (Answers: to, by, on, bike, for, and)

Step 7 Workbook

Wb , Exx. 2-4.

Ex.2 helps the Ss practise /i:/and/i/. Teach the word seat before you ask the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs. Play Speech Cassette Lesson8 and get the Ss to listen, and then listen and repeat. Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs, paying attention to/i:/and/i/.

For Ex. 3, read through the questions before the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Get some pairs to report their answers.

Ex.4 practises the question form of the Present Simple Tense. Do the first one orally, then get the Ss to write their answers.

Cheek the answers orally.

The answers are: 1 What time do you leave home in the morning? 2 Where does Lucy come from? 3 How many lessons do they have on

Monday?4 How much rice do you want?


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Learn the contents of Checkpoint 2.

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