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Lesson 39

时间:2014-05-05 10:01来源:好学点击:字体:[ ]

Teaching Objectives: Develop the skill of speaking: an interview

Properties: Maps, Pictures of Xinjiang and Tibet

Language Focus: go back in a hurry.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Revision

Check retelling given as homework last time

II. Leading - in

Have you ever been to Tibet or Xinjiang? Show pictures of the two places and ask the Ss to say sth. from their own knowledge. Tell Ss Erik has been there.

III. Practice

1. Ask the Ss to do the match exercise by themselves.

2. Check the answer

3. Pairwork: practise the interview between Li Weiyin and Erik.

4. Act out the interview.

IV. Practice

1. Interview Erik and Elsa. Ask one group of Ss to be interviewers and prepare interview possible questions. The other Ss are Erik and Elsa. They should be ready for being interviewed.

2. Act out the interview.

V. Exercise in class

Reorder the following sentences.

1. Erik went to Xinjiang by train.

2. He liked Tulufan best.

3. He went back to Sweden.

4. The people of Tulufan are friendly, and their music and dancing are beautiful.

5. Erik went to Tibet.

Key: l 2 4 5 3

VI. Homework

1. Writing; Interview Erik and Elsa


VII. The design of the blackboard

Did you visit any other part of China?

What did you see there?

I wasn’t in a hurry.

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