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《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 5 第六课时

时间:2015-04-24 09:31来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
教学目标:练习册a listen and number, b listen and match, c look, think and write,
d look and write, e read, think and write,f read and answer.
step 1 pre-task preparation:
1.say a rhyme: seasons
in autumn, when the leaves start to fall.
i like to run, jump and kick a ball.
in winter, when there’s lots of snow.
the cold winds start to blow and blow.
i stay at home and wait for spring.
and the fine weather it’s going to bring.
i wait for summer when the sun is hot.
then i can play games and swim a lot.
2.say a chant:
spring, summer, autumn and winter,
which season do you like best?
spring, spring, i like spring best.
summer, summer, they like summer best.
autumn, autumn, we like autumn best.
winter, winter, we all like winter.
summer is hot, winter is cold,
autumn is cool and spring is warm
spring is sunny, summer is rainy,
autumn is cloudy and winter is windy..
step 2 while-task procedures:
a listen and number:
b listen and match:
c look, think and write:
d look and write:
e read, think and write:
f read and answer:
step 3 post-task activity:
1.pair work:同桌核对练习的答案。
2.group work:小组讨论,有无不一致的地方。有时答案不是唯一的。
step 4 homework:
1.listen to the tape of unit 5.
2.say a rhyme.
summer, cloudy, winter, windy, autumn, spring, countryside, sunny.
《牛津小学英语》6b unit 5 第六课时 来自第一范文网。

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