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牛津6A Unit 2知识点整理

时间:2015-04-23 08:43来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
单词:birthday生日date日期when什么时候,何时when s= when is
词组:1.in bens class在ben的班级里      2.live near ben住在ben的附近
3.go home together一起回家               4.(on) the 16th of october(在)在10月16日5.come to my birthday party来参加我的生日聚会   6.have a birthday party开生日聚会
7.a birthday present一个生日礼物     8.a vcd of japanese cartoons 一张日本动画的影碟9.let s wait and see. 让我们等着瞧。     10.as your birthday present做你的生日礼物
1.whens your birthday?     its on the  /my birthday is on the 
  what would you like as a birthday present?    id like 
2.my birthday is coming soon.
3.would you like to come to my birthday party?   sure.
4.do you usually have a birthday party?   yes,i do.
5.would you like  ?     yes,please.
would you like to  ?     yes,id like to.
6.when can we watch it?     lets wait and see.
词组:1.have a cake with lots of strawberries吃一块草莓蛋糕
2.happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐       3.take off脱下take off his costume脱下戏装4.blow out吹灭blow out the candles吹灭蜡烛                     5.open the door开门
句子:1.the doorbell is ringing.
2.he is giving ben some cartoons as a birthday present.
3.ben is blowing out the candles on the cake.its time for some cake.
三、语音:/    /  dear  hear  near  year
牛津6a unit 2知识点整理 来自第一范文网。

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