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上海牛津英语6A-Unit9 P63教案

时间:2015-04-29 08:41来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
teaching design for oxford english
 6a - unit 9
picnics are fun
contents:       page 63
topic:            why do you like…?
aids:             tape-recorder & ppt
learners:       class 2-4, grade 6
targets: help students
1. talk about picnic.
2. learn and use the words: salty, spicy
3. learn and use the structure: because…
classroom activities
i. talk about the food they are going to eat tonight:
teacher: do you like ….?
why do you like?
students: because it …
ii. look and learn:
1. cakes
2. nuts
3. spicy
4. bitter
iii. read and learn (p63).
let’s go to the supermarket.
we need to buy…
shall we…?
why not…?
1. workbook p .56
2. recite the dialogue.
reflection on teaching:
上海牛津英语6a-unit9 p63教案 来自第一范文网。

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