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牛津小学英语6B Unit 5 The seasons (The first period)公开课

时间:2015-04-25 08:39来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

竹箦中心小学 孙正香 2008.3.12
教学内容:6b unit 5 the seasons (the first period)
1、 four skills : spring , summer , autumn , winter season weather best .
2、 three skills : warm , cool , sunny , cloudy , rainy, windy
3、 four skills : which season do you like best ? i like … best . why ? because it’s … , i can …
4、 通过多媒体课件的的运用,使学生在真实的语境中运用语言,交际语言。
step 1 . revision
free talk :
1) what day is it today ?
2) what day was yesterday ?
3) what date is it today ?
4) what date was yesterday ?
5) what did you do yesterday ?
6) what did i do yesterday ? can you guess ?
step 2 . presentation .
1. 课件出示: teach: rainy .
t: what’s the weather like ?
it’s rainy .
2. 出示:a map of weather report .
t: if you want to know the weather in beijing .
you can ask : what’s the weather like in beijing ?
3. 出示广州图,教学:what’s the weather like in … ?
it’s sunny .(teach: sunny)
4. 出示沈阳图操练以上句型并教学windy .
5. teach: cloudy .
6. 出示春天图:
t: is it cloudy ? what’s the weather ?
what are they doing ? (nationa/tree-planting day)
teach: spring → warm → spring is warm .
7. the same to teach: summer → summer is hot .
autumn → autumn is cool .
winter → winter is cold .
8. chant: spring , spring , spring is warm .
summer , summer , summer is hot .
autumn , autumn , autumn is cool .
winter , winter , winter is cold .
step 3 . presentation .
1. 出示课件,欣赏:spring , summer , autumn , winter .
teach: season → unit 5 the seasons .
2. 出示:t: there are four seasons in a year .
but i like spring best . (teach : best)
teach: a: which season do you like best ?
b: i like … best.
a: why ?
b: because it’s … . i can … .
teach: because .
step 4 . practice .
1. show the pictures of part c .
2. practise in pairs .
step 5 . do a survey .
step 6 . exercise .
do some exercises .
step 7. homework
1. copy the new words for three times.
2. do a survey. (using the following sentences:
a:which season do you like best?
b:i like…
b:because it’s….i can….)
3. make a new dialogue.

unit 5 the seasons
a: which season do you like best ?
b: i like … best.
a: why ?
b: because it’s … .i can … .

牛津小学英语6b unit 5 the seasons (the first period)公开课 来自第一范文网。

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