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牛津小学英语6A Unit 2 Ben’s birthday单元试卷(附听力答案)

时间:2015-04-25 08:38来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
牛津小学英语6a unit 2 ben’s birthday单元试卷班级          姓名          成绩          听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (听一遍) (10分)(    )1. a. january      b. november  c. february(    )2. a. on monday   b. on thursday  c. on tuesday(    ) 3. a. feb. 1    b.mar.1      c. may. 1(    ) 4. a. take      b. date      c. day (    ) 5.a. twenty    b. twentieth  c. twelve(    ) 6. a. away     b. way      c. may (    ) 7. a. down     b. blow     c. glow(    ) 8.a. little      b. sister     c. letter(    ) 9 a.2:40       b.3:20      c.2:20(    ) 10. a. come     b. same     c. some 二、听录音,根据短文选择正确的答案。(听三遍) (10分)(    ) 1. who is the girl in red ?a. helen         b. su yang          c. kate(    ) 2. where is she from ?a. australia      b. england           c. america(    ) 3. what does liu tao give her?a.a vcd of japanese cartoon .  b.a toy   c.a book.(    ) 4. where are we now ?a. at school     b. in the park           c. in kate’s home.(    ) 5. kate is my ______.a. sister        b. friend               c. cousin  三、听录音,完成句子 。(听两遍) (10分)1.______ is your birthday ? my birthday is ____ the first of may.2.what would you like _____ a birthday present? i ____ ____ a _____ .3.when’s your ________ birthday ?4.his birthday is on ______ ______ of march.5.what ____ is it today ?  笔试部分(70分) 一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用“√”或“×”表示。 (6分)1.there  here (   )        2. year   hear    (   )3. dear  bear (   )        4. where  hair    (   )5. pear  near (   )        6.their   parents  (   ) 二、英汉互译。 (10分)1. go home together_________        6. 我的生日_________2. the third of march _______         7. 放学后 __________3. have a birthday party_________     8. 吹灭 ____________4. a vcd of japanese cartoons ______  9. 谈论 ____________5. as a birthday present ________     10. 四月三十日 ________   三、按要求写单词 。 (8分)1. she (宾格)  ____________       2. party(复数)___________3. close (现在分词)________       4. three(序数词)______________5. china(形容词)_______       6.twenty(序数词)____   __7. teachers(名词所有格)_______     8.photo(复数)______________ 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (10分)1._____ ( helen ) birthday is on the first of january.2.tom _____ (have) a birthday party at home .3.look ! yang ling ______ (draw) a picture.4. i _______ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .5. do they like ______ (swim) 6.can you ______(make) a model plane for me ? yes, i _____(make) a model plane now.7. what are those in the bag? they’re               (strawberry).8.what does your brother          ? he            playing the piano. (like) 五、按要求完成句子。  (10分)1. i am a student . (改成一般疑问句)______ ______ a ______ ?2. they often go home together . (改成一般疑问句)_____ _____ often _____ home together? 3. my birthday’s on the fifth of may .(对画线部分提问)_____ is _____ birthday ?4. jim is playing football . (对画线部分提问)_____  is  jim  _____?5. i’d like a mask as my birthday present. (对画线部分提问)_____ would _____ _____ _____ a _____ _____.6. when do you go to school? _____        do you go to school .7. wait, see , let, and , us                            .8. to , party ,would , my , you , to , birthday, come , like                                                  ? 六、在第ii栏中找出与第i栏相对应的答句。 (8分)                     i                                 ii(    )1.what would you like as a           a.yes, i do.birthday present?      (    )2.when’s your birthday?             b.happy birthday.      (    )3.do you usually have a             c.i’d like a vcd of japanese             birthday party?                      cartoons.      (    )4.today is my birthday.              d.it’s on the 10th of september.      (    )5.what day is it today?               e.no, i’m not.      (    )6.when is teachers’ day?             f.it’s on the 6th of july.      (    )7.does she usually have a party             at weekends?                     g.no, she doesn’t.      (    )8.are you living in england?           h.it’s monday. 七、找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。   (12分)(    ) 1. i’d like to a vcd of japanese cartoons.            _______                 a     b       c(    ) 2. there are five people in you family.       _______             a           b     c(    ) 3. they usually write their homework at home. _______                           a   b           c(    ) 4.my birthday on the 6th of august.             _______                 a          b     c (    ) 5. may i speaking to miss lin?        _______            a      b    c(    ) 6.what the date today?         _______              a     b   c 八、阅读理解,判断正误,对的写  “√”,错的写“ × ”。 (6分)cat : good morning , mr tiger.tiger : good morning , mr cat .what date is it today ?is it the 3rd of july ?cat : yes.tiger : oh , today is my birthday.cat : happy birthday !what would you like as a birthday present?how about a big cake with some candles on it ?tiger : no, thank you .i’d like one hundred rabbits .cat : one hundred rabbits? i’m sorry , mr tiger. i haven’t got any rabbits for you .(    )1. it is the 1st of july today . (    )2. mr tiger’s birthday is on the 3rd of july .  (    )3. mr tiger would like a big cake as a birthday present.(    )4. mr tiger would like a lot of rabbits as a birthday present. (    )5. mr cat can get two rabbits.  (    )6. mr tiger is not happy.       听力答案 一、听录音,选出你听到的内容。(听一遍)1.       november  2.on tuesday  3.the first of march  4.take  5.twentieth  6.may7. blow   8.little  9. twenty to three  10.same 二、听录音,根据短文选择正确的答案。(听三遍)       the girl in red is my classmate, kate. she is from england. she is my good friend. today is her birthday. liu tao gives her a book of sun wukong, the monkey king. wang bing gives her a vcd of chinese cartoon. su hai and su yang give her a nice dress. what do i give her? i give her a toy panda. kate is very happy. she asks us to come to her birthday party in her home. we are having a lot of nice food here. 三、听录音,完成句子。(听两遍)1.when is your birthday ? my birthday is on the first of may.2.what would you like as a birthday present? i would like a puppet .3.when’s your mother’s birthday ?4.his birthday is on the second of march.5.what date is it today ?
牛津小学英语6a unit 2 ben’s birthday单元试卷(附听力答案) 来自第一范文网。

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