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6A Unit 6 Holidays 教案设计

时间:2015-04-29 08:41来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词组new year’s day, children’s day, people
2、能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组spring festival, delicious, dress up,mid-autumn festival, moon cake, easter,may day, dragon boat festival,relative, rice dumpling, easter,
3、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型when’s…? it’s in…. what do people usually do at/on…? they…   did you…last…? yes,i did. / no,i didn’t.
a. 教学课件,句式单词卡片
b. 录音机和磁带
2、板书准备:预先写好课题 unit 6 holidays
step 1: free talk
what day is it today?
what date is it today?
t:what did you do last sunday?
t:i listened to music last sunday.do you want to listen to the music?
(课件播放happy new year音乐)
t:when can we hear this song?
s: new year.
t:(课件出示)newyear”s day. 学习词组
t:when’s new’s day?
s:it’s on the 1st of january. (课件出示)
t:what do people usually do on new year’s day?
出示单词people, 学习单词
s: they usually have parties, sing and dance.
t: what the other holidays do you know? can you tell me?
step 3: practise
t: when’s halloween?
s1:it’s on the 31th of october.
t:what do people usually do at halloween?
s: they usually…
t:they usually dress up in costumes.
出示词组dress up in costumes,学习词组
step 4: learn the other holidays
t:now,i want to introduce you another holiday:easter
t:when’s easter?
s1:it’s in march or april.
t:what do people usually do at easter?
s:they usually…
t:did you make easter eggs last easter?
(引导学生回答) yes, i did./no, i didn’t.
practise in pairs
(同法学习其它四个节日)may day, spring festival, dragon boat festival, mid-autumn festival
新授词组:relative, delicious food, rice dumpling, dragon boat race
step 5:learn and say
step 6:read and guess
step7:think and match
step8: homework
6a unit 6 holidays 教案设计 来自第一范文网。

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