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Unit 5 On the farm第四课时

时间:2015-04-27 08:52来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

1.复习表演part a listen, read and say.
2.do part d listen and write.
3.do listening practice.
step 1 free talk
what date is it today?
what date was it yesterday?
what day is it today?
what day was it yesterday?
what did you do on sunday?
what else did you do ?
what can you do on a farm?
what did helen and her family do on the farm?
step 2 revision
1.read part a together.
2.read the dialogues in rolls.
3.do pair-work.
4.act: 用所给词组组织对话
背景:it was the national day holiday last week. today is the first day of school after the holiday.  mike and david meet in the school playground. they’re talking about what they did on the national day holiday.
mike:  go to the park,  take photos, climb the hill.
david:  visit the farm
 on wednesday: plant and water trees, pull up carrots
 on thursday: milk cows, collect eggs, pick oranges and taste them.
step 3 listen and write
1.look at the picture and describe it.
2.guess: what did they do that day?
3.listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.
4.check the answers. learn to say: have a really good time
5.read the sentences.
6.now you’re wang bing. please describe what you did on sunday.
(answers: 1 sunday 2 small 3 stamps 4 morning 5 watered 6 apples 7 trees 8 happy)
step 4 do listening practice
wb: a. listen and judge
    b. listen and match (提醒:并不是每题都有两个答案,有的只有一个答案, 有的一个答案也没有。)
step 5 作业布置
1.wb: c look and match
 d look, read and write
2. listen, read and recite part a.

    本课的主要内容为能熟练运用本课句型,根据所设情景,自编表演对话。 正确完成本课d部分及练习册听力练习。 为了对课文部分提升,在课堂上老师设立和课文部分相似的情景,要求学生模仿课文部分对话组织对话,对学生综合能力要求较高,在完成这部分活动的时候可以让部分学生打开书本进行改变,适当做笔记,有助于班级中基础较差的学生更好的完成。d部分的听力难度一般,但是最后一题有点难度,they were very ________ that day.


    本节课主要是让学生熟练运用本课句型,根据所设情景,自编表演对话并正确完成本课d部分练习。我在listen and write then  describe it. 过程中,班级少数学生口头表达方面有待提高。在 listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. 板块方面,班级内个别学生对听力的速度须有待提高。

unit 5 on the farm第四课时 来自第一范文网。

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