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6a unit 3词组

时间:2015-04-28 08:55来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1.运动日sports day
2.所有的学生all the students
3.非常激动 人+be very excited
4.非常令人兴奋 物+be very exciting
5.一场赛跑a running race
6.观看赛跑watch the running race
7.拍一些照片 take some photos
8.寻找look for
9.寻找她的照相机look for her camera
10.帮助她 help her
11.让我…let me +动原
12.我的照相机my camera
13.在你的包里 in your bag
14.刚才a moment ago / just now
15.让我看看let me see.
16.在地上on the ground
17.捡起pick … up 
18.帮我把它们捡起来pick them up for me
tell her mum about …
su hai and su yang’s cousin
21.拜访他们 visit them
22.教她 teach her
the names of some of the things
24.在他们的客厅 in their sitting-room
25.听一些音乐 listen to some music
26.尽力记住 try to remember
27.闭眼 close your eyes
28.在红盒子里 in the red box
29.在黄盒子里 in the yellow box
30.在蓝色盒子里 in the blue box
31.玩游戏 play the game
32.和你的同班同学 with your classmates
33.在梨树下 under the pear
34.在那里 over there
35.我的日记 my diary
在我的床下 under my bed

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