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6A Unit 7 At Christmas 教学实录

时间:2015-04-28 08:55来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

一、warm up
listen to the song 《merry christmas》
t:good morning, boys and girls.
ss: good morning, miss wang.
t:nice to meet you.
ss: nice to meet you.
三、free talk
t:what day is it today?
ss: it’ s tuesday.
t:what date is it today?
ss:it’s the 9th of december.
t:oh, christmas is coming.
1.t show a puppet
s1: hello, …
s2: nice to meet you.
2.cai  show a short passage about christmas.
q1:what date is the christmas?
q2: what do people usually do at christmas?
a1: it’s on th 25th of december.
a2: they usually go to parties, give presents to each other.
3. cai  show a christmas tree
 * wow, it’s so beautiful.
 * what’s under the christmas tree?
* t: what’s under the christmas tree now?
  ss: wow, there are so many presents under it.
4.b部分new words
 * 分音节法 cal. cu. la. tor   mi. rror
* 单词组合法 skate. board  tea. pot
* 联想比较法 comb(come), wallet(water)
*spell these words in groups
  eg:(1)mum, i need your help with my maths.
 you can do your exercise with a ____.
 (2) i have a nice_______. in the morning, i comb my hair with it.
* t; i have got some phrases. t show them.
 如:it’s so beautiful. how nice. how lovely. i like the colour….
t show a bag.(some presents in it.)
 a: the teapot is for you.
 b: thank you. 一句赞赏的话。
6.christmas is coming. 同学间互赠礼物
 s1:merry christmas.
 s2:merry christmas.
 s1:the… is for you.
 s2:thank you. 一句赞赏的话。
 the … is for you.
 s1: thank you. 一句赞赏的话。
7.ask and answer
 * t&s
t: what have you got?
 s1: i’ve got ….
 t: who is ti/ are they from?
 s2:it’s /they’re from…
* s&s work in pairs.
8. t: jim also got a lot of presents. look!

听《at christmas》有感

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