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unit 3 作业

时间:2015-04-11 09:47来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1、制作一架模型飞机___________________ 2、在一堂英语课上_____________
3、下午四点 __________________________ 4、听老师说___________________
5 、弹钢琴 ___________________________ 6、play basketball____________
7 、the boy in blue____________________  8 、near the music room________
9 、sing an english song________________ 10、learn the new words_________
1、this is________( i ) new sweater .
2、is this________( she ) father ?
3、that is________( mr black ) car .
4、are there_________( some ) books on the desk ?
5、what_______( be ) in your school bag ?
6、________( not open ) the door .         ( open ) the window .
7、there is_______( a ) english book on the teacher’s desk .
8、her_________( parent ) are at home .
1、i can play volleyball .( 对划线部分进行提问 )
2、mike’s father is a bus driver. ( 改为一般疑问句 )
3、these shoes are helen’s. ( 改为同义句 )
___________    ______________
4、there are some pencils in the pencil-case. ( 改为单数 )
5、there are eighteen rooms in the building. ( 对划线部分进行提问 )
6、often , we , basketball , class , play , after ( 连词成句 )
a) it’s about six a clock in the morning._______________________
b) there are many studys in the building._____________________  _
c) whose toys are there? it’s kate’s. __________________________
d) thanks you very much. ___________________       _____________
e)  we often play the football after school.                    
f)  he look young in this white coat. ______________________________
g) how much the storybook? _________________________     __________
can you put the ball your head? ___________  _ 

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